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  • Surprisingly Liberating...

    My free weekend has seen me getting back to the decluttering exercise, sorting and giving away most of my sheet music and my recorders, rearranging my living room so that it is no longer buried under boxes of stuff waiting to be sorted or disposed of, and then this afternoon, sorting through my tool boxes, etc. to identify which things I actually might use and which would be far better going off overseas with TWAM.

    What has surprised me, and continues to surprise me, is how liberating it feels to have less 'stuff'... along with a kind of 'eek, just how much did I spend on all this over the years?'

    Whilst it's slightly odd to recognise that my days of car mechanicing or recorder playing or dressmaking or whatever are now past, it stirs many happy memories of the rich and diverse experiences I have enjoyed in my adult life.

    Quite a bit more cullling, clearing, donating and chucking still needed but I think I will actually like this leaner, cleaner lifestyle once I get there!

  • Borrowed metaphors

    Finally, I emptied the bag in which I had placed the sheet of flipchart paper with the 'metaphors' people had offered for God.  And so now, largely off the top of my head, is my attempt to make something coherent from them!


    The words were:




    Bread of Life




    King of kings



    Here goes!


    Creator God, Majestic Mystery -

    Nurturing like mother and father, yet more than either, greater than both;

    Feeding with the bread of life, your very self;

    Shepherd who guides by day and guards by night;

    King of kings, King beyond kings, sovereign who rules in justice;

    Word who speaks in whispers, in silence, in scripture, story and song:

    Majestic Mystery, we worship you.