This photo was shared with me by the person who took it. It is the Angel gabriel watching over the chapel at the (now closed) Western Infirmary in Glasgow.
I can imagine countless people sitting in the hospital chapel, in times of distress, in times of fear, in times of loss... as well as those who participated in formal services over so many years.
I wonder how many people gazed at, or through, this image, seeking comfort, reassurance, or hope... how many viewed it through tears; how many raged at the injustice they perceived...
And Gabriel stood vigil, hearing all, seeing all, feeling all, saying nothing... and saying everything by his quiet presence.
Hospital chapels - or prayer rooms, or 'sanctuaries' as those in Glasgow are now named - are special places where hope and fear, joy and sorrow, doubt and faith may all be expressed - sometimes all at once.
According to a website I visited, Archangel Michael protects, Archangel Gabriel announces and Archangel Raphael (of whom more another day) guides.
God whose angel Gabriel announced news to Zecharaiah, to Mary, to Joseph
Please watch over all who, this day, are present in hospitals -
As out-patients and in-patients, as medical staff, administrators, housekeeping, chaplaincy or countless other roles
Surround them with your unending love, and grant them your peace.