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Two years further along the road...

Social media threw up this photo for two years ago, when we closed our premises for redevelopment.  As I 'shared' it again, this is what I wrote:

Two years! When we closed those doors we dared to hope that by now they would have been opened again, but still we wait, still we hope, still we journey onwards.

Two years ago we could not have imagined all the wonderful things that have come our way as we've tabernacled in a borrowed room in a hotel. Births, marriages, Baptisms, Membership covenants, visitors - and yes, deaths and departures too.

I am so, so proud of our people, all they do, and all they are... and I hope, pray and trust that, one day we will enter the 'place of promise'.


I know that the journey is long and arduous, and often feels like two steps forward and one back (or even vice versa).  I know that some people just 'want to go home' and that others would be content to stay in the hotel long term or forvever. The wilderness meandering of the Israelites, of unknown durations, with much  uncertainty, struggle and disappointment, is a natural 'go to' story. Whilst I would never compare myself with Moses, or 'my' people with the Israelites, our journey is every bit as complex and confusing.

I do my best.  WE do our best. We stick together and journey onwards, along this meandering road in hope, faith and trust that the God who has brought us this far will indeed lead us on.


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