... it's another glorious morning in Glasgow!
Social media platforms like to remind me what I was posting a year ago, two years ago, anything up to seven years ago when I started using them!
Today I was told that it was exactly a year since my first chaplaincy visit to the Care Home. It was a very sunny day, and for two figs I'd have called off, because it was only a week since my Mum had died in another care home, and I was still sorting funeral arrangements. Every time I go to the Care Home, I glance across at the bench where I sat, waiting for my taxi to take me home, and phoning venues for the funeral tea.
I'm glad I did as my Mum would have demanded of me that day, and pulled myself together and got on with it. Over the year I have probably spoken with around forty folk, some once, some many times. Sometimes it's hard going, sometimes it's good fun; always it's privileged.
Whilst it wouldn't be my natural vocation - I find endless small talk with strangers incredibly tiring - I seem to be OK at it, and it is certainly valued by the residents and some of the staff. I am grateful someone trusted me enough to give me this opportunity, and pray God can bless others through it.