This morning I broke through the 400,000 steps in October target... it was a very soggy walk, starting out in the dark at 8 o'clock and still remarkably grey two and a half hours later when I sat down with a lovely hot cuppa and hot buttered toast.
Technically, I could stop walking now, but I won't, of course.
For one thing, for each completed 10k steps in a single day, I call to mind one person I've known who died of breast cancer. I reset those steps to zero each day, so in nineteen days I have recalled 36 names... still a few to go.
For another, it suits my personality to get up and out early, to pound pavements, to ponder important things and even to pray. I don't anticipate walking 20 thousand plus a day, as I've done today, on a regular basis, but keep on stepping I certainly will.
And it's a lived metaphor for life or spirituality... one step at a time, whatever the weather, from the old to new, God travelling along with me.