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Desk Tidying...

This morning I have tidied my desk, transforming it from 'peak Rachel' (IYKYK) to tidy ready for the next few months.  One day, maybe, I will learn how to be tidy, but as the saying goes 'a clear desk is the sign of an empty mind' and I like my mind not to be empty all the time!

The first company I worked for had a clear desk policy, which meant we all had 'work baskets' full of files that got stuffed in a locked cupboard every night, a kind of fake tidy.  The second company I worked for, we all had large under desk cupboards, which meant we had enough storage for whatever we were working on. 

Nowadays, my office at home is usually decidedly cluttered, with books and papers all over my desk that I never quite get around to re-shelving (and in any case my shelves can't take all the books!) until it reaches the point that either I just can't work any more, or it's annual leave and I blitz it.  I keep telling myself I can do better, and I keep failing... but, hey, in a few years I will have retired, re-homed most of the books and will have all the time in the world to be tidy! 

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