Today was my first foray into academic marking... an interesting, enjoyable and mostly fun experience, from which I learned a lot.
I was 'moderating' which is not the same as marking or second-marking... The scripts had already been marked by a very experienced tutor, and my role was two-fold: to see if the marking felt right (i.e. that I felt it was all in the right ball park) and to ensure that it was fair (i.e. that all scripts were treated with equity).
I confirmed what I've always know - I am a pedant on grammar and formatting (truly I am my mother's daughter)!
I'm glad I have the opportunity for another round of moderating later in the year so that I can feel a bit more confident before next year needing to start marking academic work I've set (eek!) as I am not sure I've really grasped how to 'pitch' the criteria.
On a lighter note, it was interesting and amusing to read reviews of a book by someone I led occasional joint services with in Glasgow, in which the story is told of a young, inexperienced minister who, many years later I worked with on CoP26!
Don't tease, Catriona, please. Wot's the name of that there book? And did you get it and read it?
Hi Wendy, it was 'Starting Where We Are' by Kathy Galloway published way back in 1998. I haven't read it yet, but I will :-)