When I hill walk, and the going gets tough, and my creaky joints creak, there are several strategies I use to keep me going.
One is to anticipate the exhilaration when I (finally) get there.
One is to consciously call to mind the reason I am doing this - whether 'just' pleasure or as a fundraiser; if the latter I deliberately imagine walking with me the people who inspired the fundraising in the first place.
One is to count the paces - no stopping until I've done 100, 200 or whatever it might be... inevitably by the time I reach that figure I've walked through the latest 'wall'.
And one is to sing songs and hymns to myself. As often as not 'Father hear the prayer we offer' with its line 'but the steep and rugged pathway, may we tread rejoicingly'. This morning I've been wondering what others I may need to get me up Ben Nevis, especially if the predicted snow arrives! (They were predicting sun a couple of days ago). Among those I know pretty well 'off by heart' are...
One more step along the world I go [or, up the hill I go!]
Brother, sister, let me serve you... we are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road, we are here to help eahc other, walk the mile and share the load [or, companions on the Ben]
Step by step, on an on, we'll walk with Jesus til the journey is done....
The journey of life may be easy may be hard, there'll be trials on the way...
When we walk with the Lord...
Any other suggestions gladly received! Though it may need a transmat beam for them to reach me!!
Many, many thanks to all who have sponsored me - the total this morning is £1300, and there are still a few promised donations to come. That is wonderful news. See here for some of the ways the money might be used. If you happen to live in NHS GGC and are unfortunate enough to join this 'club' you will almost certainly be given leaflets produced by this charity as part of your info. pack.
Back on Monday... blog silence whilst I am 'up north'. Have a good weekend everyone.