So today is partly devoted to finsihing the vestry de-junking session (loads of stuff to take to the tip, carpets to hoover, and several bags of stuff to bring home (i.e. to further clutter the house!)) and partly to a raft of smallish admin jobs that need to be cleared before Sunday. Then the slightly odd task of working out what needs to go to church that normally lives at home, because people will want to borrow it whilst I'm out of circulation...
Sabbatical diary now almost complete - just need to decide which local Baptist churches I will visit on which Sundays, fix a date to see my folks 'down south', note the two extra little projects that have popped up to assist other ministers with bits of research (both really interesting, one linked to church/mission history and one looking at congregations whose ministers get sick or die).
Between now and Sunday I also need to get the last of the travel booked, invoices printed and the resultant mega expense claim in! There is that 'holiday' feeling now that it will good when it's Monday morning and if it isn't done, it won't get done!