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- Page 11

  • Comfort (or succour) Speedy

    BPW 142 - Hail to the Lord's annointed.

    verse 2 says

    He comes with comfort speedy

    To those who suffer wrong

    To help the poor and needy,

    And bid the weak be strong;

    To give them songs for sighing,

    Thier darkness turn to light,

    Whose, condemned and dying,

    Are precious in his sight


    Updated language has transformed 'succour' to 'comfort' which doesn't quite carry the same sense, but I suppose is more colloquial.  Succour suggests help, assitance, an active participation in the suffering, whereas comfort is more passive, if no less important.

    This evening I'm a little sad, as I have had the news that my pet cat has secondary cancer.  The condition she has (feline lung-digit syndrome) is evidently quite rare but she's the second cat I've had who has developed bone metastases in a hind leg... the Law of Murphy or of Sod, the randomness of cancer, means it can strike twice in the same place.

    Succour speedy has come my way, in the practical help and kind concern of friends.  Across the whole UK dodgy theology of prayers for feline healing, crossed human digits and even some distant reiki healing (whatever that is) have been expressed.  Lifts to the vet, concerns for me...

    One terminally ill pet cat is nothing in the grand scehme of things... and yet she is precisely an example of the referents of this verse... The God who sees sparrows fall to the ground cares for my poorly moggy... and the God who counts hairs on human heads is there in the hell-on-earth situations of which we read.

    A song in a minor key, from sighing, in sighing, through sighing, beyond sighing...


  • Mingled Hope and Fear

    Today's PAYG was based on part of Isaiah 11 and, refreshingly, invited the hearer to imagine how Jesus might have become aware of these words, firstly as a child, then pondering them as a young man.  In the midst of the reflection was a throw away line roughly thus: "the lion and the bear might object to going vegetarian as part of a less violent, more just, world". 

    The new world order might not be everything we would like!  More justice and less violence might mean us relinquishing aspects of life that we enjoy or find rewarding... as one of my college tutors used to remind us that her father (a minister) always said when speaking of heaven, "[Jesus] never said we're going to like it".

    Sung to the tune 'Picardy', the hymn "Earth was waiting, spent and restless" captures something of this mystery and tension... that what we long for may not prove entirely what we imagine, that hope and fear are inevitably mingled as we move onwards towards the horizon of history and the eternal reign of Christ.

    BPW 141

    Earth was waiting, spent and restless

    With a mingled hope and fear;

    And the faithful few were sighing,

    "Surely, Lord, the day is near;

    the desire of all the nations,

    It is time he should appear."

    W C Smith


    Can't find a decent video clip for this, and, in an attempt not to breach too much copyright, only citing one verse - but you can for it look on line I'm sure.

    I wonder what I will not like about the new creation...?  Lots to ponder there!


  • The word becomes incarnate - and yet remains on high

    Last week someone, trying to make sense of the incarnation, said that "a certain proportion of God came to earth and the rest stayed in heaven..."  Whilst I follow their logic, and understand what they are attempting to do, it is an attempt to rationalise what is ultimately a mystery... how can God be simultaneously transcendent and immanent; in heaven and on earth, there and here... the answer is, we cannot know, but by faith we have the audacity to trust that somehow it is so...

    Advent is a time of mystery, a time of looking forward and looking backward, of recognising the 'now and not yet', a time of seeming contradiction and yet...


    BPW 140 - A Great and Mighty Wonder, first two verses... (attempting not to do much copyright breaching this year!)

    A great and mighty wonder:
    redemption drawing near!
    the virgin bears the infant,
    the prince of peace is here!
    Repeat the hymn again:
    'To God on high be glory,
    and peace on earth. Amen.'

    The Word becomes incarnate
    and yet remains on high;
    the shepherds hear the anthem
    as glory fills the sky-
    Repeat the hymn again:


    here is a choral version: enjoy!