Tonight we had our planning meeting for the 'Churches Nearly Together' carol outreach event; in the words of Meatloaf 'two out of three ain't bad.' Meths & Baps - sounds like an interesting form of Communion, don't you think?
Anyway, as sparklers sparkled and bangers banged we played that joyous game of 'which Christmas carols can we actually stand to sing' for the upcoming full house event. Not everything we chose was to my delight, but my all time favourite was chosen by someone else and we have a very different "feel" from last year, which I think is good.
We will be introducing a 'new' carol which is written by Candlecentre juxta Dibley's very own hymnwriter Martin Leckebusch, born in the excellent year of 1962, not that I'm biased, but SOF tells me this fact...
It's a great hymn, sung to 'Epiphany Hymn' (Brightest and Best), and I think our oldies will probably enjoy it, alongside faithful friends like 'Hark! the herald angels' (Wesley, for anyone whose checking I've got one in) and 'As with gladness' (to annoy me because I can't work out how to inclusivise it!). Anyway, enjoy this well written work...
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking splendour:
Gaze at His majesty - bow and adore!
Enter His presence with wonder and worship -
He is the King and enthroned evermore.
He is the Word who was sent by the Father, Born as a baby, a child of our race:
God here among us, revealed as a servant,
Walking the pathway of truth and of grace.
He is the Lamb who was slain to redeem us - There at the cross His appearance was marred;
Though He emerged from the grave as the victor,
Still from the nails and the spear He is scarred.
He is the Lord who ascended in triumph - Ever the sound of His praises shall ring!
Hail Him the First and the Last, the Almighty:
Jesus, our Prophet, our Priest and our King.
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking splendour:
Gaze at His majesty - bow and adore!
Come and acknowledge Him Saviour and Sovereign:
Jesus our King is enthroned evermore.
Martin Leckebusch (c) Kevin Mayhew