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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 107

  • Carrot Diagram...

    Yesterday at church I mentioned the 'carrot diagram'. It reminded me that in my Baptist college interview, 21 years ago, I chose this model as a discussion topic for 'introduce and lead a discussion on a topic of your choice' session. As the good book says, 'nothing is wasted!'

    The top, red bit of the carrot is a risk that cannot be tolerated and whatever the cost it must be reduced.  Or, to put it another way, if we 'do nothing' this is the level of risk - is it acceptable?  No it isn't, so we must do something.

    The bottom, green (cyan) bit is a risk that we can all agree to live with.  In practice most risks cannot be totally eliminated but this is the area where it really isn't going to be justified to do any more to reduce the risk - it's no more than the risk we live with everyday anyway.

    The middle, orange/amber bit is where we are at the moment in relation to corona virus - but please hear me, the risk is NOT tolerable unless/until we have put in place all reasonable measures to reduce it.  What the carrot says, effectively, is the closer it is to red, the more that needs to be, and is justified to be, done to reduce the risk.  As we get closer to the green area, what looks like proportionate effort may well be less.

    Simplistic example...

    People need to cross a busy road with a 70 mph speed limit.

    Do nothing, leave it to people to judge when it's safe - unacceptable, must do something

    Options... build a footbridge, dig an underpass, install a pedestrian crossing... all should reduce the risk, some are dearer than others, all introduce other risks (e.g. people dropping stones from footbridge). 

    There may not one 'right' solution, someone has to make a call (usually based on financial considerations) as to what is a 'good enough' option.

    Back in the day I did risk assessments for two notionally identical power stations.  The utilities made different choices about some operating practices; it wasn't one right, one wrong, it was two justified but different options.  So it's tricky - and we can never go back and repeat the events with a different set of choices.

    Please pray for the people who are making tough decisions about how best to manage an incredibly complicated situation - they are people too, and may well have sleepless nights as they do there job (I certainly did back in the day).

    For the record, Torness & Heysham 2, and Hunterston B operated safely on my watch!! And there were times when I said 'no' to my customer...


    PS - washing your hands with soap and water is cheap and effective in reducing risk... so do it!

  • Service Recordings...

    One of the wonderful things about our church is that we post audio of almost all services online, so anyone unable to get out to church can pick a service and listen... there are hundred to choose from!!

    Click here and enjoy...

  • Well-being...

    The word that strikes me at the moment is 'well-being' which include physical health, but is so much more.  Indeed, it is possible to have 'well-being' and be physically unwell, or to be physically well and not have it.

    At the moment we are working out the best way forward for our church community - a good, caring and sensible group of saints-in-the-making - during a time of uncertainty.

    It's likely that we will have to move worship 'on line' for an indeterminate period.  It's also the case that we will be looking out for each other as best we can - perhaps with virtual small groups, perhaps with small real world meets, perhaps with walks, perhaps with practical help such as shopping.  In all of this, we are trying to look out for each other and to keep well, whatever that means.

    We will follow closely the advice of the Scottish Government, we will listen to the Baptist Union(s), Health Care Professionals and other wise people.  We will manage risk as best we can, and we will try to care for each other's well-being - which might sometimes look unusual.

  • The Sermon I Didn't Preach...

    Today was one of those where you metaphorically tear up the sermon you prepared and offer something else, and it's 100% the correct call.  However, as I had recorded today's inputs 'just in case' we were locked down, I thought I'd try to share them for anyone who is interested.  You will need to click the 'media' buttons to listen to each section.  I've added the relevant part of the PowerPoint file, which is helpful for the sermon (which I've broken into five chunks for upload purposes) though not essential.

    If/when we do become 'locked down' people who are way more tech savvy than I will help us find far better methods of recording (video and/or live streaming rather than just audio) and we'll also look at DVD/CD for those who don't have the tech for such things.

    Today's actual service will, in time appear on our recording website, here,  so do go there too!


    The Opening Words of Scripture


    The opening prayer


    The Bible Readings


    The PowerPoint (possibly best to open in a new tab so you can 'toggle' between audio and visual)

    For Blog 15 March.pptx

    Reflection Part 1


    Reflection Part 2


    Reflection Part 3

    Reflection Part 4


    Reflection Part 5




  • Keep Calm - and Stay Safe: Offering Baskets and Wrapped Biscuits


    Tomorrow we meet for public worship.  I don't know what we will do next week, that will depend on the latest advice from the Scottish Government and Baptist Unions (although aligned with different governments, both BUS and BUGB are, this far, giving virtually identical advice on practical, pastoral and prayerful responses to Covid-19;obviously being in Scotland, BUS is the one that we will follow most closely if they differ).

    This week, I recorded the prayers, Bible readings and sermon as a precaution in case we needed to 'lock down'.  I will continue to do so until/unless this possibility passes.  I am really grateful for the internet and for clever phones and laptops that allow such things to be done from the comfort of my living room.  There might be odd sounds of clocks and kitties in the background, but it's not bad!

    This morning, I sewed a washable liner for a basket that we will use for the offering tomorrow - collection bags passed hand to hand are a hygiene nightmare, so this week we are using a basket for people to drop in their offerings as they arrive.  The liner doubles as a draw string bag to hold the money without anyone needing to touch it, and it can simply be popped in the washing machine ready for next week. 

    Tomorrow, we are using wrapped biscuits. Other churches have stopped biscuits, and some have stopped tea and coffee.  We may revise this next week, if advice changes, but for now, this seems a reasonable and proprotionate response.

    Risk management isn't an exact science, there are always different, justifiable responses and arguments.  We are doing our best, based on the advice of official bodies to keep ourselves and others safe and well - which is both about physical health and emotional and spiritual well-being.

    In the meantime please remember...

    • Handwashing is the best defence
    • Self isolate if you have a cold, cough or anything that might be infectious
    • Avoid unecessary travel and consider alternatives to meetings/events that involve lots of people (currently over 500 is not allowed in Scotland)
    • Use technology where/when you can to keep in touch
    • Food banks, shelters and animal rescues still need donations
    • Check on elderly neighbours
    • Hoarding is selfish and leaves those who are most vulnerable or poor unable to obtain what they need