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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 110

  • Mysterious Ways

    As part of my last major declutter, I discarded my 'banner making' books, thinking I no longer had use of them.

    Recently, I regtretted that, thinking they had ideas I might wish to adapt for current use.

    For various reasons, the boxes of books from the last cull have sat undistrubed in my kitchen for a few months - and yesterday I realised that there was a chance the books were still there - and in the very first box, there they were.

    Well, it made me smile and express a little 'hmmm'

  • Seeing it Differently

    Yesterday I walked to Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, a place that is familiar and is full of 'go to' exhibits.

    Deliberately, I set out to see the museum afresh, accepting a floor plan from the steward, then, after a quick lunch from the coffee shop off the main hall, I enjoyed an organ recital, lots of familiar tunes that linked to other times, places and people.  Then, having consulted the floor plan, I chose a couple of rooms to visit before wandering around some of my favourites, such as the statue 'Motherless' (above, seen from the rear).

    This depiction of grief is poignant and beautiful, but coming at it from behind offered new things to ponder.  I love the attention to detail in the fringe of the blanket, in the battens in the back of the chair.  It also made me think how often, in life, we don't encounter things neatly and face-on, rather we find ourselves coming at them from an angle, having to wait to discover what is actually there.  From the rear, this could easily be mistaken for a man reading a book, or even dozing; it's only as you draw closer and move alongside or around it that full revelation becomes possible.

    It also struck me how easily we - or I at least - can settle into such familiar patterns of looking that we/I no longer see beyond what we/I expect.  Deliberately approaching from a new angle, and trying to set aside pre-existing ideas, can be really valuable.

    I discovered something new to me in the art gallery - of which more another time - for now though, I will try to remain alert to the way I encounter and view things, especially those I think I know well.

  • Pilgrimage?

    The plan for this two week Sabbatical Block was to walk from Glasgow to Whithorn, a pilgrimage route.  It was always going to be subject to weather and transport, and in the end weather overtook my plans, as storm Ciara blew in form the west bringing rain, sleet and snow, disrupting trains and making walking untenable.

    Which has made me think about how sanitised we have made pilgrimage - and perhaps faith - neatly parcelled into prescribed blocks that we can walk in sequence over a prescribed period of time, when the reality would have been very different.

    Pilgrims in the past set off without a route map, without hotels booked or trains to carry them from A to B.  They set off in faith - often in pentience - and with no idea of what lay ahead.  There must have been times when the pilgrims had to pause and wait for the weather to change, to recover from injuries, or even to take a rest.

    The first day of my walk was familiar, and so it was easy enough.  I enjoyed looking at familiar sights through different eyes, passing churches, shopping centres, dockyards, railway stations and more.  It was mildly asmusing to arrive at Paisley Abbey just in time to see the curator fit the padlock to the gates as it closed for the day!

    The second day was a slog from Paisley to Lochwinnoch along a former railway line.  It would be a fantastic route for cyclists (its intended users) but not so much fun for walkers, as fences and trees obscured the view most of the way.  Then, near Lochwinnoch finally it opened up with a lochside view, an RSPB reserve and a sense of achievement as I reached the railway station just nicely in time for a train home!

    Checking the map, it was clear that Day 3 was going to be more sloggy walking - partly the same cycle route, but also a long road stretch.  I decided to cheat - to take the train to the start of Day 4 and walk from Kilwining to Troon.  But was it really cheating?  Perhaps pilgrims would have taken advantage of opportunities to take a ride part of the way?  I don't know, but it gave me a lot of food for thought - afterall, in life, we can't simply take a ride to bypass the boring or tough bits, we have to travel them, however hard it is.  For all that, I refuse to guilt-trip myself!  I also refuse to press the metaphor too far!

    So my Day 3 was a stroll from Kilwinning to Troon, which combined some beautiful rural countryside with yet more cycle track.  It was a good day, lovely sunshine, and, even though it was sometimes a but mundane, I enjoyed walking coastwards, and the final mile or so along the seafront was delightful.

    Then the weather changed, Storm Ciara disrupted plans, and instead of walking from Troon to Ayr, I took a train to Paisley Abbey which was open for worship.  It was restful and gentle.  It reminded me, by its difference, of what I value, and often don't notice, in my own congregation.  It reminded what I value in preaching (and it reminded me that I'm not bad at it!). And it showed me that it was good not just to be 'sensible' but to be open to what opportunities might arise instead of my plans.

    And now as rain, sleet and snow tumble from the sky, I spend this day indoors, reflecting, resting and reprogramming.  There has been a little (necessary and known about) work to be attended to, but there is also the unexpected gift of time.  Time to listen to (and enjoy) the sermon preached the day I was ill.  Time to still my soul and mind as well as my body.  And a reminder, were one needed, that Sabbath (and hence Sabbatical) is made for people (including Ministers), and not vice versa.

    The weather forecast is such that walking plans are shelved, and that's ok, because the walk was never what it was really about - if I have gained nothing else, this is worth pondering. 

  • Sabbatical 2020 - Part the First

    My Sabbatical leave is being split into small, manageable chunks, and this is the start of the first 2 week chunk.

    I had a plan, which was to walk the Whithorn Way Pilgrimage Walk, a twelve to fourteen day endeavour. Then stuff happened.

    So now I will still endeavour to walk most of it, woven around and through other things that have cropped up.

    Today is, ostensibly, a Day Off, but a few residual and important bits of Admin had to be attended to, so they have been completed and then, once I've posted this, the PC will switched off for a fortnight.

    Tomorrow is a curious, yet helpful, transition kind of a day, when I will see my Spiritual Acconmpanier in the morning, attend a meeting relating to the part churches can play in the CoP26 (climate emergency) conference taking place in Glasgow in November, and then spend the evening at the other part of my Sabbatical, the GPRL class.

    Wednesday, DV, the walking begins, a relatively easy stretch from Glasgow to Paisley, and much of it familiar.  The next couple of weeks will involve lots of trains, packed lunches and waterproof clothing.  It will also involve lots of thinking, praying and reflecting.

    I am not sure what, if anything I will post here during that fortnight, maybe photos, maybe short reflections, maybe nothing at all.  But I will be back, hopefully refreshed and re-energised for the Lenten season which will begin soon.

  • Strange Old Week!

    Last week was a strange one, beginning with me stepping in at zero notice to conduct a funeral, and ending with me having to ask others to step in at zero notice to cover for me because I was unwell. In between times, the week just became increasingly odd, with unexpected twists and turns.

    Above all it reminded me that I am blessed with what, at its best, is probably THE best church in the universe. No-one panicked (at least not overtly) when I rang in at 9:30 to say I was unwell (the worst headache I've ever had, nausea, dizziness, shivers (but no temperature/fever)), rather they simply slipped into gear with someone producing a sermon 'from his back pocket' and someone else offering to plug the 'All Together' gap.

    It also seemed mildly amusing in reminding me of the need for ministers to be both competent (this was the first funeral I've done at zero notice and with no access to service books or a Bible) and to recognise that we are not indispensible (this is the second time in 20 years I've had to drop out at no notice, the first without being able to hand over stuff I'd prepared).  Competent, dispensible, and also sensible - there was a time when I'd have dragged myself to church and forced myself to get through the service no matter how ill felt (though actually, yesterday, given I could hardly stand up without feeling ill, probably not!).  I recall the 'assessed preach' of my final year at college, when I had been going down with a terrible cold (I'd now recognise it as a chest infection, I didn't back then) and I had driven 10 miles, took the service, stayed for the monthly 'singles lunch', then driven ten miles home to fall into bed for two days!  My tutor and I ended up discussing not the sermon or the service, but how to manage thing when a minister becomes unexpectedly sick.

    This week, then, I've recalled wise advice, recognised my experience and ability, been reminded of my frailty, and awed by the awesomeness of the church of which I am part.

    This week is likely to be no less strange, albeit in other ways, but in the strangeness God is present, and that's enough for me.