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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 173

  • Forty Days of Photos - Day 10

    So, the only walks today were to the supermarket and to the recycling station... a day to rest and relax before Advent begins in earnest.  Sasha 'reading' a book... sleep, kitties and novels, a good way to spend a day.

    If Advent gives us space simply to 'be' then that has to be a good thing... as illustrated by Sophie below!

    sophie back.jpg

  • A Celtic Advent - Day 10

    Today it's birth stories - or their lack - that we are invited to reflect upon.

    Two out of the four gospels have infancy narratives; one, Luke, actually explicitly refers to the birth... Matthew is more oblique reference about Joseph not having sexual relations with her until after the birth. And in Luke, it is 'half a verse': 'she gave birth to her firstborn, a son...' Just eight words in the NIV; six in the Greek NT I checked.

    We all know how odd this story is, a deity born in obscurity, and seemingly so un-pass-remarkable that only Matthew (paralleling the story of Moses) and Luke (appealing to people of other faith backgrounds) even mention it.

    I wonder how the Christ is born, or re-born in obscurity in the hearts and minds of people like us today?  I wonder what story we would choose to tell if we wrote our own gospel?


    Today's prayer from the book:

    God incarnate, as you took on human form and entered the world, you did so in a quiet and unassuming way.  The record of this actual moment is just one half of a Bible verse.  help me not to seek the glory of recognition for the things I do for you, for the exmaples of the works of light I embody.  May all glory be to God, the Creator of all. Amen


  • Forty Days of Photos - Day 9

    Today's walk took me over the meandering River Kelvin near "where the BBC used to be".

    Meander seems a good word for Advent - it is't a straight line, shortest possible route from A to B, but a road that twists and turns, and sometimes reveals unexpected delights.

    We are blessed to have two rivers is this this city, one wide and slowly making its way to the sea, the other narrow, twisty and with the odd weir or dam, to say nothing of a canal.  It all makes for wonderful walks of very different character.

  • A Celtic Advent - Day 9

    "Travelling mercies" (or 'journeying mercies') is a phrase that I used to hear a lot in Christian circles.  In some pentecostal circles such prayers are still often heard for visiting preachers, and also for those setting out on long distance travel - far less so if you are getting the bus to town!

    Today's reflection was on a jorney by coracle of three Celtic monks from Ireland to what is now England, set alongisde the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.  I could not help but hear/read this in tension with the news of the young American missionary killed by the indigenous people of an island off the coast of India when he landed his canoe illegally on their shores.  Had he committed his travel plans to God?  Had people prayed journeying mercies for him? It is easy for me to read the news and see folly, even disrepsect, in his actions, but this was a young man convinced that he was doing that which God called him to do. 

    Much pondering for me to do as these stories permeate my subconscious.

    The prayer from the book:

    Christ, when you were on earth, you walked many miles, travelling from town to town, walking in wildernesses and upon mountains. Wherever I journey today, Lord, may I be aware of your presence with me.  I place my travels into the divine hands and release them into the divine plan. Keep me safe, Lord, as I go from here to there, but above all, whateverhappebns, may I ever know you with me.  Amen.

  • The 'Baby Shark' Nativity - A Cheesy Christian Makeover

    If you don't know the 'baby shark' song then type it into your favourite search engine and watch a video.

    I have felt for a while it is ripe for a cheesy Christian makeover, and with nativity play season upon us, here is my offering, with permitted variants!!...


    Gabriel, doo, doo, doo, doo

    Gabriel, doo, doo, doo, doo



    Mary, 'yes', doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Joseph, 'oh!' doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Bethlehem, doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Baby born, doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Angels sing, doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Shepherds come, doo, doo, doo, doo...


    It's a star, doo, doo, doo, doo...


    Magi's gifts doo, doo, doo, doo... (Or: Wise men's gifts, doo, doo, doo, doo...   or: Kings bring gifts, doo, doo, doo, doo...)


    Christ is born! doo, doo, doo, doo... (Or: Christmas Day, doo, doo, doo, doo...)


    And now you have have the perfect annoying earworm for the day ahead!!



    Edit - shared this elsewhere and people are wanting to use it for Toddler Gruops and Messy Church! Someone asked me what the actions were, so here is what I made up as I typed...

    Gabriel - flap wings maybe (even if angels strictly don't have wings)
    Mary - if it must be hands, then maybe thumbs up, but nodding would seem better
    Joseph - hand to mouth in astonishment
    Bethlehem - walking/riding a donkey/make a house/stable shape
    Baby - rocking baby style arms
    Angels sing - jazz hands maybe, or more wings, or hands as an open hymnbook
    Shepherds - run
    Star - twinkle twinkle style
    Magi - present gifts
    Christ is born - more jazz hands or just clap

    Feel free to share/use.  I'd be grateful if you credited me and didn't pass it off as your own.