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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 265

  • Trying to Fit In!

    The photo above is the epitmome of cuteness - Sophie, who is quite a petite cat, has discovered that the basket on top of my staionery cupboard makes a comfy bed.


    In this photo, Sasha, who is quite a large cat, is depserately trying to fit into the same basket - it looked so attractive and she spent a long time trying to get comfy before she abandoned the effort and headed off for her favourite office chair instead.

    One of the things I've been thinking about, and hopefully encouraging others to think about too, as we've looked at the topic of prayer, is that it's OK to be who we are, and that we don't have to try to squeeze ourselves into a space that is comfy for someone else but doesn't fit us.

    A bit of 'pop psychology' around Myers Briggs personality types and Transactional Analysis, some parables and other teaching on prayer... hopefully it has been helpful for other people; I know that it has for me!

  • Warm Fuzzies!

    This morning's service was based on the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-collector, but my thinking had got well and trully side-tracked by thinking about the 'I'm OK, your'e OK' thing of Transactional Analysis.  That in itself was a good thing, because it caused me to recognise aspects of my personality and reactions that aren't so healthy/helpful.

    As the 'altogether' part of the service we made 'warm fuzzies' and then gave them away to each other, exchanging them over and over.

    I loved the general buzz of activity as people made their fuzzies, helping each other with the googly eyes and then deciding who they would give their fuzzy.

    It's been a very long day, partly at least of my own making, and it's been a rewarding, if demanding, one.  I have had some encouraging 'fuzzies' and hope that I haven't exuded too many 'pricklies'... still working on the "I'm OK" bit, but that's probably a life-time's work!!

  • Frozzie Prinzes and other stories

    This morning, after I'd completed the formal service prep, and organised the visual aids and interactive bit of the service, I sat down to read these two books, which arrived yesterday.  They are very North American and very dated (even the new edition is about 20 years old!) but they provided a good reminder of the basics of Transactional Analysis to which we were, necessarily fleeting, introduced during one of our pastoral care modules (when, given that was at least fifteen years ago, the updated material was still pretty current) as part of ministerial formation/training.

    I learned two new words along the way...

    Prinzes which is a (1970s?) gender neutral word for 'princes and princesses' ... I guess it has all the appeal of Ms but has never found the same level of acceptance!  Prinzes are OK.

    Frozzie is a word the writers invented for frog, allegedly gender neutral, but then so is frog, at least in English. Frozzies are not OK.

    Drawing on the fairy tale concept of wicked witches turning princes into frogs, the books then explore some TA ideas in an interesting way.

    Quite shocking to read books that still see spanking children as normative, but even so, was good to be reminded of my own tendencies towards the 'jerk' (good child) and the 'critical parent' (bossy) and how that can play out in stress situations! 

    Maybe one day I'll actually read the grown up version!!

  • Unexpected Blessings

    Bit of a blog fest this morning!

    Postie just arrived with a small package containing this beautiful cross stitch, which is now pinned to the noticeboard of my new office, until such time as I can get it framed.

    Whilst it arrived anonymously, I am fairly sure I know who sent it, as I'd admired a photo of it on her own social media page.  Such a selfless and generous gift - and a real blessing.

    I will enjoy it, and admire it, but I will hold it lightly, knowing that a day will come when it needs to bless someone else.

  • A resource for prayer

    Fairly recently, a friend introduced me to this website which has prayer resources based on world news, and to which you can subscribe for a weekly update - can be really helpful when formulating intercessory prayer.