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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 278

  • Harvest Recipes

    Today we will be sampling some international cuisine.  Here are the recipes...


    Gallo Pinto (Red Rooster) - Nicaragua

    (The original meat free chicken!!)


    1 onion, chopped

    2 cloves garlic, crushed

    3 cups white rice (boiled)

    2 cups black beans (cooked)

    1 tsp cumin

    1 tsp coriander

    ½ tsp ginger

    Spring onions to garnish (optional)

    Salt and pepper


    Fry the onions and garlic until soft, add the spices and cook for a few minutes to infuse.  Stir in the cooked rice and beans and mix well.  Service hot or cold.  Garnish with spring onions, if desired.



    Sukuma Wiki (Stretch the Week) – Uganda


    1 bunch kale, chopped

    2 tomatoes, chopped

    1 onion, chopped

    1 tsp cumin

    ½ tsp coriander

    ½ tsp turmeric

    1 ½ tsp salt

    1 cup water

    2 tbsp lemon juice


    Fry onions and tomatoes until soft, add the spices, vegatables and liquid, stir well to mix.  Cook over a medium heat for around 20 mins until the kale is cooked to your liking.  Serve hot with chapattis or other flat bread, or as a side dish.  Can also be served cold.



    Dahl Bhat – Nepal


    1 cup lentils (soaked if necessary)

    1 onion, chopped

    3 cloves garlic, crushed

    Large tin of canned tomatoes, chopped

    Zest and juice of one lime

    1 red chilli chopped finely

    1 tsp cumin

    1 tsp coriander

    1 tsp turmeric

    Ground pepper to taste


    Fry the inions and garlic until soft and add the spices to infuse.  Add the remaining ingredients and cook for around 20 minutes or until the lentils are soft.  Best served hot with boiled white rice; can also be eaten as a side dish or cold



    Khir – Nepal


    1 cup pudding rice

    2 cups milk (full fat is best)

    1 tbsp ghee or melted butter (not hot)

    ½ cup sugar

    Cardamom pods or 1 tbsp ground cardamom

    Cashew nuts


    Grated fresh nutmeg (or ground) if desired


    Boil the milk with the sugar.

    Coat the rice in melted butter

    Add the milk and cardmom to the milk and boil until cooked (around  20 – 25 mins depending how soft you like the rice)

    Stir in the nuts and fruit, and add nutmeg


    Serve hot or cold – yummy!

     Don't eat the cardamom pods!

  • Pausing...

    This has been a very busy week.  Nothing unusual there, but as it draws to a close, I am taking just a little time to pause and take stock... and I am sure this is a "good thing"

    The next month or so is going to be increasingly demanding as the practical and pastoral implications of packing up and moving out of our premises (for a season) and, just to make it more complicated, I will finally get round to taking my summer holiday in the middle of November!!  Logistically this is looking like a very bad time to take leave, but there's nothing that can be done about that (short of cancelling it and letting down a very old friend, which I'm not willing to do)

    My personality is such that I can cheerfully work myself into the ground, which helps no-one, least of all me, so I am going to be much more intentional about creating spaces simply to "be" and to "pray".  My hope is that by stating this so very publicly I am making myself somehow acocuntable for ensuring that it does happen.  My diary is crazily stuffed but I have spotted a couple of days when I can - and pledge to - turn off the technology, ignore the phones and 'retreat' for a few hours.


  • Humbled and Grateful

    I know that some of my readers are among those who sponsored me for this event, which I did in June.

    The total (which includes GiftAid) is amazing and will make a huge difference to women and men diagnosed with breast cancer...

    £5 pays for an information pack for someone newly diagnosed

    £10 pays for one person to attend an awareness workshop

    £23 pays for a call to a dedicated support line

    This money could make a difference to as many as 430 people which is wonderful. (That's roughly the number diagnosed in the UK every three days)

    So yes, humbled and grateful in many ways.

  • His eye is on the sparrow...

    Yesterday morning, I was at church starting to set up when the other early arriver came in. She told me that she had just seen a pigeon, tangled in netting, fall from the roof of the church onto the steps outside.


    We went out, and at the second attempt I was able to catch it. The poor creature was terrified, its heart beating so fast that I feared it might die. Gently, I stroked its feathers and tried to reassure it.


    We found a pair of scissors and my colleague carefully snipped the strands of net. As it fell away the relief of the bird was palpable.


    Carefully we carried it outside, I opened my hands and it soared skyward. As it did so, another pigeon, perhaps its mate, flew to join it, and the two alighted on the roof opposite.


    "Thank you Lord." said my colleague. Thank you indeed.


    A few seconds either way, and the falling pigeon would not have been spotted and the story would have had a different ending. I am glad that J saw the pigeon and that we helped rescue it. I flippantly said, "go free, Holy Spirit" and who knows... Maybe there is a parable there?


    A lovely story, and the better for being true

  • Reflecting with Others

    Last night I stayed over with a minister friend in London. We chatted long and laughed and shared all manner of stuff. And it was good. And I think in the sharing each of us made new connections or discovered new truth.

    Today on my train ride home I read a book my friend recommended and started to prepare thoughts for a sermon.


    Sometimes it is only in sharing the mundane and ordinary that the spiritual or divine breaks through.