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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 285

  • Seven Summer Sundays

    This morning I started work on the service for a week on Sunday - hymns/songs now selected and slotted into the outline order of service.

    For me, at least, the summer has flown by - I can't believe that there is only one more week of "Summer Madness" or "Summer Bonkersness", as it might be termed, to go.

    Summer is a strange time, when a lot of regular worshippers are away, and congregations can be smaller than average.  It is also for us, because of where we are located, a time when every week there will be some visitors - one week I reckoned visitors accounted for 25% of those present!

    It's a time when, rightly, we give a bit of a break to those who faithfully serve the rest of the year, which means that the feel is very different, at least for me in leading.  Time to experiment a little, certainly, but also a time when it's important to maintain a steady rhythm for those who aren't able to get away.

    The seven "I AM" sayings have proved to be a rich resource for exploration, and I have enjoyed working with them, even if as I near the final week, and a topic I've preached on many times, I am struggling to find a new 'angle'.

    The return to 'normal' will seem a little strange for me - no colouring sheets to print, no puzzles to find or create, real twenty minute sermons (actually this week's isn't far off!), an overtly 'grown up' feel to services.  At the same time, it's a good thing.  The summer pattern wouldn't be sustainable, or at least not without a big team of people to share it.  But also because autumn and winter have a different feel overall, and what works in summer possibly wouldn't in the cold, damp, dank, dark days of the close of the year.

    It has been a very busy summer, in fact it's been a very busy time since I  returned to work at the end of March, but it has been good.

  • Events in London...

    Three years ago, as part of my sabbatical leave, I spent a few days in central London visiting Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church. Each day the walk from my digs to the church took me through Russell Square, an oasis of green in the midst of the buzz and vibe of that area. I sat on benches and watched the world go by, strolled with a friend, drank tea from the cafe and generally enjoyed the gift that is life.

    Last week I spent a few days in south London with some other friends.  Just before going our  separate ways, we drank tea in the outdoor cafe at the British Library on Euston Road, not far far from Russell Square.  In Euston railway station, people of all races, colours, creeds milled around peacefully (if such a thing is possible), munched snacks, ran for trains, laughed, chatted, igonored and above all coexisted.

    So my thoughts today are very much with those affected directly and indirectly by events last night. I know that my friends at Bloomsbury will be doing what they do every day, as will people of other traditions, faiths and none.

    Love is stronger than hate
    Goodness is stronger than evil
    Life is stronger than death



    The image is one I stumbled across yesterday when researching John 14 "many mansions".

  • Even dogs...

    Today's PAYG was the story of the woman whom Jesus compared to a dog...

    Her response is pretty amazing - she doesn't show anger because she has been insulted; she doesn't go and check her list of words that hint at xenophobia; she doesn't slink away and sulk.  No, she says, fine, if I 'm a dog treat me like a dog.

    Which made me think.  Because it is really easy for me to absorb insults - deliberate or otherwise.  So easy to become what it is I think I am being accused of.  So easy to escalate a careless word into an attitude against which I am permitted to rage.

    Even dogs lick up the crumbs... if you consider me a dog, treat me as you would treat a dog...

    That's actually pretty subversive, possibly wrong-footing Jesus, certainly provoking a response from him.

    So my lesson for today is, when I hear something as insulting or hurtful, not to react angrily but to turn it around into a potentially positive alternative... even [insert word] are treated thus...

    That doesn't mean that all words can be subverted, all insults redeemed, all carelessness excused, but at least for me at a personal level, I suspect that most of them can.

  • A Complete Time of Nonsense...

    On Sunday evening I had the privilege of going to visit a church in another city in an official capacity to hear a young man preach.  All went well, and I've been able to write what I hope is a positive affirming and encouraging repport.

    This post, which is deliberately mischievous, arises from the fact that during the service we stood for three extended periods of 'sung worship' that were musically unsatisfying, some of them theologically or linguistically iffy (in my view).  I can't stand still for 20 minutes any more, I even have to shift my feet around when I'm preaching, so blocks of 20, 15 and 15 minutes (the service was just under 2 hours long) was too much, and I sat the last one out.

    Depending on the repetoire of songs in your own church you will know which one I am plagiarsing/emulating.  Hopefully you won't take offence, and just maybe you will have a chuckle...


    Standing in a darkened church

    Singing endless worship songs

    Where the tunes all sound the same

    Every Sunday


    Lots of bad theology

    Lots of battle metaphors

    Lots of words I’d love to change

    Power language


    Guitarist has a three chord trick

    Drummer’s in a perspex shed

    Singer shuts their eyes…


    More than once, we must sing it all again

    Then the break, where we find the tune is changed

    It’s annoying,

    It’s annoying!


    Now my hips are getting sore

    So I’ll have to take a seat

    Just like many others do

    Every Sunday


    Yearning for a Taize chant,

    Iona, Wesley, Kaan or Wren…

    Different meters, different moods

    Or world music


    Organists who change the stops

    Choirs in four part harmony

    Congregations singing…


    Praising God, in diverse ways

    Saying sorry, saying please

    Hymns that tell a story…


    Only once, we can then sing something else

    That has links with the theme of the service

    It’s quite easy!

    It’s quite easy!


    Sitting, standing, singing, quiet,

    Crying, laughing, thinking, still,

    Listening, praying, speaking too

    All are worship


    God the Father,

    God the Son,

    God the Holy Spirit…


    Every week you must put up with our songs!

    Every week you receive our clumsy prayers

    Every time you accept our muddled worship

    You are faithful

    And we're grateful…



  • Tashnob - a Little Light Relief! ;-)

    This morning I took a little time to glance over the most recent BMS magazines, and found myself laughing out loud at a short article in the Summer 2016 issue of Engage, which focussed on language faux pas by mission personnel. Should you be in need of a few laughs yourself, have five minutes to spare, or are simply curious, go here and click through to page 16.  Happy reading!