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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 302

  • Lord, you sometimes speak in "things that make you go 'hmm'"

    This week, and to a degree, last week, has been charactrised by "hmm" moments.  From the out-of-the-blue contact from a school friend I last saw in 1971 (and a now almost sorted meet up later in the month) to the equally unexpected "I'm sure I know who that former organist is, and we were in the same place at the same time 30 years ago" to the "I know this sounds a bit strange but..." request from the organisation I vounteer with.

    Each of these has encouraged and affirmed me - and each feels a little bit like Divine teasing, which makes me smile and restores my soul.

    It has also been a week when there have been delightful surprises - not things that can yet be shared publicly, but  which have made my heart sing - all to do with our shared life as a local church.

    And then the realisation that rule-follower me can be subversive precisely by following the rules!  I kind of knew that anyway, but perhaps in working on my experimental sermons, each a teeny bit subversive, I have re-connected with that part of my inner being.  It is a little known fact that rule-followers and good-children often get away with things that others might not!

    In a few minutes I will be off out to share in one of my best-loved routine aspect of ministry - sharing Commuinion in the home of someone now housebound.

    Next time I'm a bit melancholic or self-pitying, I hope weeks like this will serve as signposts of God's grace, love and sense of the ridiculous!

  • Grace...

    I used to know a minister (well I still do, but they are no longer a colleague) who would sometimes say, "if you were religious you might think that God had something to do with it."  It always made us chuckle and we knew exactly what we meant.  We didn't "do" a kind of cheap theology that glibly attributes good or bad to God or satan, we didn't expect God to be surprising us at every turn, rather we trusted that God was there even when we felt God to be silent or absent.

    Today a message was forwarded to me that had been sent via our church website... it was from a former school friend who I last saw in 1971, when she and her family moved to Australia, just a year before we moved to another part of Northamptonshire.  As is so often the way, our letters, sent surface mail and taking months to arrive, petered out over a few years.  Over the past few years, I've tried several times to track her down, wondering where she was and how life had worked out for her.

    The email came out of the blue - turns out she is visiting relatives in the UK, and the wife of her cousion is the big sister of one of my classmates, who knew I was in Glasgow (via the now defunct "Friends Reunited").  It was a lovely email, full of encouragement and a shared faith, and its arrival really "blessed" me.  If I was religious, I might think that God had something to do with it!

    That's grace - not something anyone can predict or manufacture.

    That's God - prompting or preciptating unexpected blessings in the ordinariness of life.


  • Q-uite Entertaining,

    If you want a fun read for 1st April then this might be the one for you - so long as you have a very rudimentary grasp of textal aspects of Biblical history such as described in the back of my Good News Bible or any elementary text for Bibilical studies!


  • Sermon Prep

    This introduction to the book of Numbers from the NRSV pretty much sums up the core of what I'll be speaking about on Sunday.

    I'm glad to be back into routine, and hope that the ideas that have been perculating will coalesce into something that makes sense for the hearers.

    It's surprising what time out can do to confidence and self-belief/esteem that isn't entirely helpful... being back in harness is definitely a good thing for me.

    Low Sunday will hopefully not leave us feeling flat!

  • Surrexit

    Had some fun and games with computers and servers synching or communicating, so only just been able to access photos sent to me from church folk.

    Here's the cross, dressed in white and with oodles of daffodils expressing the joy of Easter Day.

    Better late than never. 

    Photo (c) Brian Muir.