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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 34

  • Smile - Jesus is watching!

    This arrived from Glasgow in the week... isn't it fun!  I think I might take it into college to brighten up my office.

  • A Collage of Many Colours!

    I think I might need a bigger 'Vision Wall'!
    Hands of welcome and hospitality from the induction service last month, now combined into a rainbow hued spectrum of joyful celebration and hopeful anticipation...

  • A Vision Wall...

    Since my arrival here in the Railway Town, I have undertaken a simple community audit, and we have begun to an interactive and multi-dimensional season of discerning together.  This morning I commandeered a blank wall in the 'Friendship Room' to display the various things we are creating... the map showing where we all live, the timeline showing the key moments in the story of the church, the 'cloud of witnesses' which we made in the Church Anniversary service, and (once I've sorted it out) a collage with the 'hands' we drew at the Induction Service.  I said to the Church Secretary, 'I've got to age now where I'd rather seek forgiveness than ask permission.'  She laughed.

    I need more blu-tak but it was a good start on what I hope will be a 'living word' exploration of the vision of/by/for this congregation.  In any case, I am now somewhere between 8% and 12% through my 'contract' so we need to be getting going!    

  • Hopes and Dreams and Visions

    This morning we launched the first stage of our gentle 'discernment' process with a 'Hopes, Dreams, Visions and Ideas' suggestion box - over the next two months anyone invited to write down and post into the box and ideas, dreams, hopes, visions, however weird and wonderful, and we'll then work with them, together, to discern what God might be saying to us.

    I wonder what people will write down? I wonder where we might find ourselves in three month time when we meet together again?  I wonder - hopefully - what dreams and visions might emerge.

  • Advent is Coming...

    It all started in 2020, when we were all pretty much locked down, and I tentatively offered a fifteen minute Zoom reflection each week-night at 9 p.m. To my surprise, we regularly attracted around 25 'devices' - perhaps 30 people - who seemed to find something valuable in that pause space.  In 2021 and 2022, similar Zoom spaces attracted similar numbers of people, but now globally, with people joining form the Bahamas, from the USA, from Wales, Scotland and England.

    So this year, in a new context, I am offering something similar, using a little book newly published as the basis for a series of 15 (Advent is short this year) weeknight reflections with Bible readings, poems/carols, pictures, prayers and music.  As well as my own little church in the Railway Town, I am opening this up to others (and already I have requests from across the UK).  I am quietly excited to share with others as we wait in hope for the one who comes...