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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 31

  • Almost There...

    There are ministers who assure me that by the end of the first week in December, their Christmas Day sermon is written, edited and printed.  It's an impressive claim, but one that never intimidates me... how can they know, I always wonder, what to say four weeks hence?  Sometimes, for me, it's more about a 'mood' than a 'message', more about finding a framework than what the sermon sounds like.

    This year, my talk is shorter than the intercessions that will follow it, and that feels somehow right.  It could yet be wrong... some great globally or locally significant occurrence could mean a last minute re-write (though that more often seems to happen at Easter) and I am open to that eventuality.

    But for now, the printing is done, the Christingle playlist is prepared, the table is buried under props, and I am daring to draw a quick breath before it all rushes past in the blink of an eye!

  • The March Family Fairytale of NY Nativity Song

    This is rather wonderful!  Enjoy. (click the 'play' arrow to start the video)

  • Caption Competition?

    Photo from this morning's Pop-Up nativity, with the angel/narrator having to go around the 'Big Scary Romans'... but it's crying out for a caption, methinks!

    (Not wearing a dog collar, the white 'flash' is a clip on portable transmitter for a digital hearing aid!!)

  • Pop-Up Nativity

    Today for the first time, I will be leading a 'pop-up nativity' using Bible Society material (from 2017!!)

    The premise is simple - people are invited to dress up as their favourite character in the story, to join in some pantomime style responses, and to sing lots of carols/songs.

    The version we're using is based the 'Bear Hunt' game/story and is called The Greatest Story.

    As the traveller/angel/narrator I'll be wearing my 'believe' jumper and a tinsel halo, as one does!

    The countdown to Christmas is now on...

    • Carols by Candlelight - led by someone else (thank you A) - this evening
    • Christmas Voices evening Zooms (final five)
    • Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve morning
    • Christingle on Christmas Eve morning
    • Christmas Day celebration
    • Community Christmas Day Lunch

    It's going to very full on - and it's going to be fun!


  • Officially Attired!

    My Vicar School jumper arrived today - there is a good choice of colours for these hoodies, which are specially ordered once a year (I think).  I chose 'blue ink' which is actually a very dark teal/petrel kind of a colour.

    I guess that makes me kind of officially attired!