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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 29

  • Remember the View

    I took this photo back in 2020, at a time when everyone's biggest concern was the severe winter storms that were bringing high winds and flooding.  It was week one of what would become the 'sabbatical that never was' and I was walking the Whithorn Way, a very poorly defined pilgrimage route in the south west of Scotland.  Walking up hill on a metalled path, I saw this chalked message.  I liked it then, and I like it still.

    The importance of stopping 'to smell the roses' or to admire the view.  The value of pausing even in the midst of busyness to enjoy the moment.  And, I'd suggest, the need to do so even - or maybe especially - when it is dull or stormy.

    The psalmist says God says, 'stop what you are doing and focus on me' or words to that effect.  Take a break, admire the view, and find yourself drawn to one in whom it has its origin... sounds like a good idea to me!  

  • Zoom Lent Course...

    I'm looking forward to a five-week Zoom Lent Course using the 'York Course' material from 2022.  I like that's quite 'open' theologically and that it invites authenticity and honesty from participants.  What's more of a challenge is that it's CD based (lots of listening to recordings) and all the voices sound remarkably educated and erudite.  It will be an interesting, and gently challenging, experiment, and I am thrilled that around ten people hope to be part of it - that's as big a group as I'd ever want in a Zoom conversational gathering.

    Here's the outline from the blurby stuff... (I still need to work on the unquestioned male language for God!)

    SESSION 1: The best picture of God
    God’s favour is not dependent on anything we are or anything we do. His acceptance is unconditional. If we want to know what God ‘looks like’, we simply need to look at one another.

    SESSION 2: Neither Jew nor Gentile
    In Christ, God is telling us the most important thing about himself: he leaves no-one out. Being willing to include everybody is the only rule for those who want to be with Jesus. God is love and, in Christ, humanity is one.

    SESSION 3: Neither male nor female
    The most profound human difference is that created by our gendered bodies. But even this important difference is superficial compared to the deepest and truest identity of each one of us; through Christ we see that we are all children of God; all heirs to the kingdom of heaven.

    SESSION 4: Neither slave nor free
    Our world is grossly, torturously unequal, and before Christ came, no-one expected or looked for anything different. Jesus scandalized those around him by acting as though every human being mattered. We are to follow him to the margins.

    SESSION 5: What is a Christian?
    Jesus did not come to found a religion: he came to give people life. When he wanted his followers to understand his identity and purpose, he didn’t give them a theory or explain an idea, he shared a meal with them.

  • Formation for Ministry - Self-Care

    For those interested in what I do at College, this term I am working with a colleague to facilitate a series of sessions around self-care, support networks and strategies for coping with the demands of ministry.  It's so important, and the denominations have got better over the years, but there is such a long way still to go.  In the end, it's down to the ministers themselves to make connections, build relationships and seek support - if we can equip these students to do this just a little better, we will have done something good!     

  • Groundhogs and Other Notable Dates...

    Yesterday, 1st February, was St Brigid's Day and also Imbolc, the pre-Christian festival to mark the start of spring in these islands.  Snowdrops (photo take in Glasgow two years ago) tiny, fragile, yet resistant herald the lengthening days (Lent is just around the corner) and bring a smile to those who see them.  There are many to be found near where I live, and I love their gentle presence.

    Today, 2nd February, is Groundhog Day, Candlemas, and The Feast of the Presentation.  It is a cold, bright morning here, so any groundhogs would definitely find a shadow... and I have to admit my cosy bed was hard to leave!  Candlemas, the day when a year's supply of church candles would be blessed.  The Presentation, a strange ritual of cleansing after childbirth that continued in some parts of the church right until the mid twentieth century.  And a celebration of the faithfulness of old people, Simeon and Anna.

    Today, 3rd February is the anniversary of my cancer surgery, and a reminder of how blessed I am to have benefited from world class healthcare free at the point of delivery.  Still a NED, having beaten a lot of odds, and thriving rather than surviving, I am, indeed very blessed.

    Life is full of good things, and festivals official or otherwise, it is good to celebrate.

  • That used to be my church...

    Yesterday, I took a quick trip to Warrington (only 20 minutes on the train) to catch up with my Walking Buddy for the day, which was really lovely.  We had a wander around the town centre, beginning with this car park... which is here the church I was a member of used to stand.  The building and the church are no more - the latter outlasted the former by a year or so, but for various reasons it was agreed to close and disperse its folk, most of whom found 'homes' in other churches.

    We tried to work out where the baptistry used to be, and reckon it was roughly level with the window in the centre section of the adjacent building... it was here I was baptised as a believer in 1997, and from here that I was 'sent' to train for ministry in 1999.  Quarter of a century later (eek!) so much has changed yet in it all God remains faithful and dependable.

    I treasure memories of WBC, just as I treasure the memories of HBC1 (Dibley) and HBC2 (The Gathering Place), and give thanks for all that each has given me.

    A verse from my baptismal hymn feels quite appropriate...

    Lord of the years, in living power remake us

    Self on the cross and Christ upon the throne

    Past put behind us, for the future take us

    Lord of the years, to live for Christ alone!