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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 25

  • A Table for Thirteen

    Ready for guests to arrive...

    The cloths have been ironed, the table set

    Wine is poured and bread prepared

    And now as darkness falls

    (And rain lashes the streets of this town)

    I must wait patiently....

  • Tenebrae...

    Apparently they have never done a Tenebrae here at RTBC... so tonight will be a first.  I hope they find it meaningful.  I've had fun creating place-cards for the Twelve, ironing table cloths, and thinking how to make a small meeting room in a Victorian Baptist church beautiful and welcoming.

    So far, Holy Week is going well, and I am managing to juggle two jobs and umpteen calls upon my time.  I knew bi-vocational ministry would bring many new challenges and this week is a definite example of that.

    After tonight it'll be three services done, three still to go...

  • Holy Week Preparations...

    Today I've been gathering up the props for tomorrow's all-age interactive Palm Sunday service.  Sold as 'shot glasses' these seem to be a bit cheaper than when sold as communion glasses... who knows?!

    Also have gluten free pitta bread, grapes, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, grape juice, berries, tulips, olive oil, baby oil, plastic palm branches, palm crosses... and my trusty box of thirty 10p pieces to throw across the room!

    Will pack it all later, but for now it's time to rest :-)

  • Tempus Fugit...

    Social media brought up this photo from March 2020 when I was invited to share in leading prayers for a national Baptist online event...  apart from Skype for business nearly breaking my laptop and having to do a very late switch to my mobile phone, and some other glitches meaning my face was showing when someone else was speaking, it all went fairly smoothly.

    As I reflect back, it was the start of a very strange time, and it was a real privilege to be involved (people genuinely seemed to appreciate my prayers).  Those four years have flown past, and such a lot has changed.  I wonder what the historians will make of it in another century when, on balance of probability, some other pandemic may well have occurred... 

  • Holy Week and Easter

    Today I've been working on my Palm Sunday service... the first of (counts carefully) six services I need to prepare and lead in the next week... and that's not counting the Churches Together 'Walk of Witness.'

    It's always a challenge to try to find ways that will engage people, especially when you have to tease out just what are the traditions that must be maintained despite people telling you there aren't any.

    So, we will have...

    • Palm Sunday to Gethsemane in an hour... an all age, interactive service in a similar style what I've done elsewhere over twenty plus years...
    • A Churches Together Lent Lunch when I've been asked to speak on the Great Commission and the sending out of the Twelve on the theme 'Shalom brings Salvation'... I have some ideas but it's not very Eastery!
    • A Maundy Thursday Communion and Tennebrae... the latter part of which I think will be a first for this congregation
    • A Good Friday reflective service... 'Through the Eyes of Mary' based on what I did twenty years ago on the first Good Friday I was in pastorate in Dibley
    • An Easter Sunday celebration ... which needs to include daffodils and chicken wire, as well as chocolate and an egg hunt!
    • A virtual Emmaus Road evening reflective prayer service for Churches Together... so long as they send me their inputs...

    It's a good job there are a couple of bank holidays to follow it all!

    Photo: The Gathering Place, Easter 2016 (must have liked it - I used it two posts ago too!)