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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 27

  • Colour Coordinated Tarrying!

    This year's Lent book, so far an enjoyable read, has a cover carefully designed to coordinate with my winter coat and my travel mug!

    Well worth a read, if you haven't yet come across it - 'tarrying' is a good practice... hopeful, intentional, openhearted, open-minded, expectant, active waiting... I suspect we can all do with a bit of that!

  • Beautiful...

    Yesterday, I left home in the dark, but as the days are drawing out, and as it was a very cold, frosty morning, there was the most incredibly beautiful sunrise.  Alas, snapping it on a phone through the train window was never going to make for a great photograph, but I spent the most wonderful half hour or so watching the sky change from deep red, through fuchsia, to old gold, pale blue and then silver-grey.

    Today it has just been rainy all day!  But that, too has its beauty, if only I have the eyes to see it. 

  • Back to Dibley...

    Yesterday, I had the privilege of preaching at Dibley when the Baptist Church and Methodist Church formally became a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the new name of Dibley Community Church (well, obviously not Dibley in the real world, but you get my drift).  It was a lovely day and a joy-filled service in which the members of the Community Church made solemn promises, and in which we shared Communion (and later a sumptuous buffet).

    May God bless the good people of Dibley as they continue to be and speak good news to those they serve.

  • Teaser for Sunday...

    One of my slides for Sunday's 'introduction to theme' (all age bit)... but what on earth am I exploring?  All will become clear(er) in due course.

    Slightly bonkers few days now... today in Birmingham seeing a student at work in placement, tomorrow travelling to Dibley, Saturday preaching in Dibley and Sunday preaching in Railway Town BC.  Many trains, and much sermon writing still to be done!!

  • What does God look like?

    Last night we began our Zoom Lent Study group - nine of us was a good number, cold be one or two more next time, but any more and it'd be a bit too big to chat.

    One of the questions was, 'if you could draw a picture of God, what would it look like?'.  A little pre-meeting research turned up this website with some fascinating drawings by children... well worth a look see.

    What would you draw?  And why?