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A few 'hmmms' along the way...

Sunday will be the fourth and last of my little series on Sunday School favourites, with a very quick (and woefully inadequate) look at the story of Esther.

What has struck me as we've shared these stories is the way the Holy Spirit is still very active even when my logic for the series was about as deep as 'these are four well known stories beloved of Sunday schools, two men, two women, job done'

We had David the week of the general election, and Ruth as the headlines on migrants/refugees/asylum seekers continued to dominate the news.  We had Daniel with thoughts of freedom of religion and peaceful protest, and end with Esther just as across the ocean a woman might face the 'for such a time as this' challenge.

As a church we've hosted a General Election hustings, agreed to refresh a room for use as a Warm Hub, begun a thorough-going review of police and procedures, welcomed oodles of visitors to our services, and been faced with questions of how to respond in a 'Jesus' way to complex matters.  And yes, for the umptieth time in my life, there have been the 'for such a time as this' allusions about my own ministry.

As year one of bi-vocational ministry draw to its end, and I have four weeks away from both roles, it's certainly been an adventure so far.

So, today, I'll cherish the 'hmm' moments and be grateful to the one who calls and equips me to do this stuff the best I can. 

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