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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 339

  • Pray for the World...

    It has been interesting to see what's being posted on social media in response to events in Paris, and indeed the (sometimes ugly and evil) responses in print and broadcast media.  Please don't believe the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday or other vile islamophobic drivel (sorry, don't usually rant quite so blatantly here, but it makes my blood boil).

    Some people have turned their Facebook profile pictures into French tricolour as a sign of solidarity.  Neither of my two French-born Facebook friends has.  There are other folk like me who haven't, and who feel uneasy about the use of national flags, setting one nation-state over against another.  Maybe my views are coloured (no pun intended) by seeing the English St George flag appropriated by right-wing extremists to such an extent that I, and many fo my friends of all politcal and religious hues would never fly one.  In Scotland the saltire is proudly displayed as a symbol of identity and shared values, maybe had I grown up here I'd think differently, I don't know.

    After a deal of pondering, I've decided today to use the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation in lieu of my planned prayers of approach today, and I will place a globe on our Communion Table... it is one world and we are all God's children.  Maybe coexistence is less than ideal, but it's surely a massive step forward.

    The Coventry Litany of Reconciliation

    All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class,

    The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own,

    The greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth,

    Our envy of welfare and happiness of others,

    Our indifference to the plight of the imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee,

    The lust which dishonours the bodies of men, women and children,

    The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God

    Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.


  • Speechless... yet needing to respond

    It's very rare I have a lie-in, usually the kitties have me up and active long before the radio-alarm goes off.  Today they let me rest, until I was wrenched from slumber by the news of events in Paris; news that left me shocked, speechless, impotent, sorrowful.  I have friends who have family in Paris, and some are still waiting for confirmation their loved ones are safe.

    So, as I have no words, I'm borrowing some from others, far wiser than myself, each of who knew the pain of hatred directed towards them and those they love... a photo, above, with a quote from Martin Luther King, and a song adaptation of words by Desmond Tutu

      Goodness is stronger than evil;
      love is stronger than hate;
      light is stronger than darkness;
      life is stronger than death.
      Victory is ours, victory is ours
      through him who loved us.

    Desmond Tutu (born 1931) adaped John L Bell (born 1949) © Desmond Tutu

  • A Toast in Tea!

    On the far side of the planet, it is late Friday evening... with daylight saving probably almost 10 p.m. by now.  And in a room in a university a book launch has been held for a publication in which my essay is chapter one.  Obviously I couldn't be there... but I did drink a toast in tea!


  • Advent in Narnia

    There is something that appeals to my naughty side that likes the idea of a group of grown-ups reflecting on "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and a series that has titles including 'Father Christmas' and 'The Witch'.

    This will be our lunch time series for Advent 2015... and this afternoon I am enjoying starting work on it.  More posts to follow as time moves along...

  • Churchy Language

    There are some quaint, and still beautiful, aspects of Baptist tradition I'd hate to see us lose.

    One that I was reminded of last night is that we, like most Baptist churches, still require "two Sabbaths" or "two Lord's Days" notice for calling a meeting.  I kind of hope we never change to "two Sundays" or "two weeks" notice... there is something deeply spiritual about the archaic terms, a reminder that a meeting is never 'just' about a matter to be presented, discussed or decided upoon, rather this aspcect of our life is as much "the Lord's" as the service of worship.

    Of course, to 'two Sabbaths' could actually mean 8 days notice if you had a Monday meeting...!!