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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 340

  • Churchy Language

    There are some quaint, and still beautiful, aspects of Baptist tradition I'd hate to see us lose.

    One that I was reminded of last night is that we, like most Baptist churches, still require "two Sabbaths" or "two Lord's Days" notice for calling a meeting.  I kind of hope we never change to "two Sundays" or "two weeks" notice... there is something deeply spiritual about the archaic terms, a reminder that a meeting is never 'just' about a matter to be presented, discussed or decided upoon, rather this aspcect of our life is as much "the Lord's" as the service of worship.

    Of course, to 'two Sabbaths' could actually mean 8 days notice if you had a Monday meeting...!!

  • Memories...

    As I sat down to edit and tidy my sermon for Sunday, I found myself calling to mind a pop song from the 1980s (eek!) that still has the power to touch my soul.  So for anyone old enough to remember it (and anyone who isn't) here is Sal Solo's song 'San Damiano, Heart and Soul'...

  • Advent Aproaching...

    This morning I more or less split my time between starting work on the Sunday's sermon (so I have a few pages of scribbled notes and some thoughts perculating in my head) and starting to ponder what we might do during Advent.

    This year for my own Advent reflections, I've decided to do two things...

    One is to sign up for the Bible Society's #AdventChallenge here.  This, like the challenges I did in Lent, means I will be sent a new challenge each day.  I think I am looking forward to it!

    The other is that I've taken out a subscription to Alternativity which allows me to download resources from their extensive collection.  I have decided to used the 'Star Box' which is an Advent calendar with brief thoughts for each day (and a few days when you get simply to chill) - I will probably also post the 'stars' on the noticebaord at church so that we can all consider them.

    As usual I'll be blogging through Advent, so you have hte option of the skinny fairtrade latte version of either or both of the above!!

    At the moment, the thing that is giving me the most glee is the titles I've chosen for a couple of the services in December - slightly mischievous but hopefully OK. 

    Above all, I am looking forward to some gorgeous Advent hymns and anthems.

  • Remembering

    This morning's reflection was based around three quotes:

    "When you get home, don’t worry about what you will tell your loved ones…no-one will know where you were and what it is you did. You are and will remain the forgotten army.” (General Slim, to the allied armies in the far east during World War II)

    “Wherever the gospel is preached all over the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” (Jesus, according to Mark, of an unnamed woman)

    “we are writing history right now, how do we want to be remembered?” (narrator on a video short 'The European Refugee crisis explained)

    The question we were left to ponder was, seventy years from now, when the children in our Sunday School are all 'old' and we are long gone, what story will be told of us and how we lived out our faith?

    And the hope of the vision in Revelation of a new world order where death and sin and sorrow and tears are no more.

    If nothing else, it gave me lots to ponder!

  • Zoning in or out...

    This morning I was very nervous about the service I'd prepared - combining all-age zone-style worship with Remembrance... could an appropriate balance be struck that would allow people to feel that due respect had been paid whilst giving space for those for whom the style or content of the reflection might be less helpful?

    We offered various 'zones':

    • the 'creative zone' where people had the choice of making origami hearts and peace cranes or working together to create a temporary 'memorial poster' with the names of the men from our church who had died in the two world wars
    • the 'colouring and doodling zone' with mandala style 'grown up' colouring sheets and the same origami options
    • the 'active zone' - or creche - which as well as toys offered colouring suited to younger children
    • the 'contemplative zone' with a reflection and prayers
    • the 'discussion zone' - a room with some printed resources and Bibles and an opportunity to talk freely about anything raised by what had been shared together in the first part of the service.

    The last of these was new... a recognition that sometimes people find that a 'from the front' talk doesn't scratch where they are itching.  And it seemed to work well for those who chose that option, with very encouraging feedback.

    All Age Worship is always a work in progress and this was an experiment that could have gone horribly wrong, but by the grace of God and the generosity of spirit of the Gatherers and some visitors, it worked out fine.

    I have to admit that I am always glad to be this side of the Remembrance service, even though I think it is really important.   Two cups of tea and some kitty-cat cuddles later I am slightly less zonked than when I came home!!