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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 354

  • Widget!

    I finally managed to work out how to add the JustGiving widget for my "fifth anniversary of diagnosis gratefulness fundraiser" (snappy title huh!).

    If you would like to choose a piece of music or a song for me to add to my 'thankfulness playlist" you can simply add it in the comment below.

    If you would like to donate to CRUK's general fund, then the widget thingy on the left hand side under the 'about me' button will take you to my sponsor page.

    If you don't fancy either, that's fine too :-)

  • Doonican Communican...

    Last Sunday we had an All Age Communion in which I drew on an insight from Donald Hilton tha children are especially equipped to grasp the mystery of Communion because the 'let's pretend' of dolls teaparties and teddy bears picnics in which tiny morsels take on huge significance, is part of their way of making sense of the world.  Woven in with some (slightly adapted) words from the song 'Mysterious People' I had the starting point for the liturgy... just that every time I tried to say "Val Doonican Communion" I ended up with "Communican!"

    Anyway, here it is for anyone who wants to borrow or adapt it...

    Read more ...

  • Prayer Request

    This short news article on the BMS World Mission website has promped this post.

    David Kerrigan is one of the people I admire most in the whole world.  He would probably be embarrassed to be told that, but it's true.

    David's role in BMS is challenging and demanding, he meets hundreds of people and travels widely.  He is a gifted speaker, educator, preacher and pastor.  He holds strong views with incredible grace and humility.  He is one of the most Baptist Baptists I know.

    And five years ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer and was scared witless, David took the time to pray for me during a trip to Israel/Palestine.  Since then we have met on occasions and he has been a great encourager of my own ministry.

    Now David faces his own journey with cancer, has had some surgery and needs time to rest and recouperate.  I can't equal praying in the homeland of Jesus, but I can pray...

    Pray that David knows the love of God surrounding him, and is granted peace within the storm

    Pray that David will have places and spaces to express his emotions and concerns

    Pray that David and his family will given privacy when they need it, and company when they need that

    Pray that in the tracing of rainbows hope will be renewed

    Pray that in the darkest night inextinquishable flames lead the way onward

    Pray for wholeness and the assurance that all will be well


    I hope that five years from now, David will be fit and well, living life to the full and able to look back, as I do, wondering where the time has gone.

  • A Right Knit!

    Thirty "squares" knitted and ready for blocking, pressing and sewing up.  I have a strong suspicion some of the sizes will be sufficiently different that some knitted "shims" will be necessary.

    Once that's all done, there's just the small matter of knitting a border to finish the whole thing off.

    Still on target for my personal deadline!

  • Planning Preaching...

    One of the tasks I set myself for this morning was to come up with a preaching plan for the autumn, probably the part of the year in which there is least opportunity for a clear run at anything, especially if you are daft enough to take your main holiday in October!

    Yesterday our Worship Group had a very productive and creative meeting working out how to fit in the assorted special services that are coming up, and which I think have the potential to be exciting and a little bit innovative.

    But I still have a huge void called mid-October to mid-November where, apart from Remembrance, I have no idea what we might explore together.  The Lectionary is not overly inspiring, and four weeks, with a one week gap, is not conducive to much by way of a series.

    At various times - but not for quite a long time - I have invited suggestions for preaching themes or series, and I am wondering if maybe this might be such a time.  I have a few back up ideas for 'one-off' services, but it does feel good to listen to what the people in the 'pews' are interested in exploring and respond also to that.

    Watch this space... and more will emerge, eventually!