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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 449

  • Good News for Baptist life in Scotland!

    News out today that the new tutor has been appointed for the Scottish Baptist College.

    It is Dr Lina Andronoviene, currently Pro-rector and Academic Dean at IBTS Prague.


    This is good news for the Scottish Baptist College

    It is very good news for Scottish Baptist life

    And it is excellent news for me and the other women ministers up here


    You can read more about Lina here

  • Palm Sunday

    Let's be honest - my Lent bloggage this year has been a disaster!  Whilst I don't seem to be alone in having given up on the Archbishop's Lent book, I haven't managed to keep up to date with the modest challenges I set myself.

    But today is Palm Sunday - Holy Week begins and in a few minutes I'll head off to church to make ready for this morning's slightly mad service!

    Starting with colour and vibrance, we will end in stillness and solemnity... too easily Christians have a 'Hosanna Party' on Palm Sunday and a 'Hallelujah Party' on Easter Sunday with nothing in between.  Though, that said, I think that may be preferrable to the patterns in so many (Baptist and other) churches round here that just continue as if nothing was going on, erm hello!

    I'm really looking forward to this week and entering as deeply as I can into the story.

    Not singing this (or its more traditional counterpart) today but it's too beautiful not to share...

    1    Ride on, ride on, the time is right:
        the roadside crowds scream with delight;
        palm branches mark the pilgrim way
        where beggars squat and children play.

    2    Ride on, ride on your critics wait,
        intrigue and rumour circulate;
        new lies abound in word and jest
        and truth becomes a suspect guest.

    3    Ride on, ride on while well aware
        that those who shout and wave and stare
        are mortals, who with common breath,
        can crave for life and lust for death.

    4    Ride on, ride on, though blind with tears,
        though dumb to speak and deaf to jeers.
        Your path is clear, though few can tell
        their garments pave the road to Hell.

    5    Ride on, ride on, the room is let,
        the wine matured, the saw is whet;
        and dice your death-throes shall attend
        though faith, not fate, dictates your end.

    6    Ride on, ride on, God's love demands.
        Justice and peace lie in your hands.
        Evil and angel voices rhyme;
        this is the man and this, the time.

    John L Bell (born 1949) and Graham Maule (born 1958)
    © 1988, 1996 WGRG, Iona Community, 4th floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3DH, Scotland

  • Guided Self Appraisal

    Today I had my first meeting with my GSA guide, and it was great.  We seemed to connect pretty well and she engendered a sense of trust and ease from the moment we met.  Chomping yummy Italian salad as we talked was a good plan too.

    I've always been a fan of appraisal, probably because I've always had good experiences of it and rarely was it ever linked to promotions or pay rises during my industrial past.

    Being able to talk honestly and say "these are the areas where I need to focus" without risk of ridicule or reproof was vital, and I now feel motivated to begin to put in place some next steps to refresh and renew myself for ministry that I've know I needed to do but never quite got round to as Iwas too busy doing ministry.  And that's the point - it's about making time to pause, reflect and redirect ourselves so that we stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

    Thank you MK for a great meeting - I'm looking forward to getting on to the next stage.

  • Public Faith & Private Pain...

    News had just been made public that Rev Lynn Green, General Secretary of BUGB has been diagnosed with early (primary) breast cancer (here)

    Lynn is not me, her diagnosis and prognosis are not mine, but to a degree I can empathise with her (as can many other female ministers, vicars, nuns etc.)

    If prayer is your thing, please pray not only for Lynn and her family, but also for those who care for her (and others) medically and for those who will be entrusted with the challenging privilege of walking with her on this unchosen and unwanted journey.

    God bless you, Lynn x

  • A Different Kind of Wedding Sermon...