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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 487

  • Busy, Busy, Busy!

    So this is my day off and I am blobbing around because I am very tired!  I now realise that last week I worked over 70 hours, whoops, that was definitely not in the plan!

    Baptist Assembly was enjoyable.  Not the most exciting or inspiring ever, but some good questions to think about and some brave attempts at communal discernment.  All a bit 2 Timothy 4:3 though - soothing on the ear and not challenging of the heart or mind, at least for me.  Not that it was bad or wrong, far from it, just safe and predictable.  Some good conversations with friends from BUGB and BMS - as ever David Kerrigan inspires and encourages me to fulfil my call, and Mat Wilson helped my thinking around Pauline universalism!!  The experiment in communcal discernment was a good one - not because it worked (not sure it did) but because it was done... will post more on that another day when I am less tired!

    Busy day yesterday, leading worship then helping to host a Church of Scotland parish grouping exercise to 'imagine Scotland's future'.  A really good endeavour - not predicated on any outcome of the referrendum, but asking instead, what kind of Scotland do you want to live in... and what does that mean.  It got frustrating at times, when people identified 'issues' when asked for 'values', identified responses based on specific outcomes of the referrendum (despite being told not to!) and, as I feared, too often failed to recognise the cost (financial and personal) of the Scotland they wanted to imagine.  With 30-odd events to run, the exercise should be REALLY useful to the CofS in identifying values and concerns to take to ALL political parties ahead ofthe referrendum and seek answers that will help inform the voting of those who haven't already made up their minds.

    Very enjoyable overall, just need to be careful not to take on too much!

    Says she, who is leading a theological reflection on 'living hopefully' this evening!  Looking forward to inflicting some Deacon Blue on my punters!

    And to finish for today, my pumpkin lantern which we had on the communion table yesterday!! (pumpkin soup made and bread baking :) )


  • Motherwell Here I Come!

    Today, and for the next two, I will spending most of my time in Motherwell at "Baptist Assembly in Scotland" the BUS/BMS annual gathering.  Tomorrow I will be acting as a small group facilitator as part of an experiment in communal discernment running all day - my instinct is that it is over-ambitious but I am also excited that in this fairly small Union such experiments are feasible.  There will also be the usual blend of jambooree, cringeworthy moments, profound moments and catching up with people I haven't seen for ages.

    Three long days, with lots of train travel (40 mins each way) which will give me time to read some more of Moltmann's 'Theology of Hope', which is as well as my theological reflection evening entitled 'living hopefully' is on Monday!

    As ever, I am looking forward to being both inspired and irritated!!

  • That Made Me Smile...

    Yesterday I spent nearly £100 on books that I might, maybe, one day, use in worship but which I wanted to own.  And today, they having arrived on next day delivery, no charge cos I pay ~£50 a year for the privilege, I am very happy.

    One book is called 'The Gingerbread Nativity' and is a resource for a children's Advent meeting - I'd love to do that, probably not this year as it's a bit late to recruit the people needed.  I'd really, really like to have a go at the gingerbread nativity scene though - I think that would be fabulous fun.  (Look out Gatherers I may be having a bake and decorate day!!)

    I bought a whole heap of Iona Community seasonal resources (I already had some so decided to complete the set) and flicking through the All Saints to Advent book found a set of reflections called 'The Cats' Advent Calendar' - what's not to like?  Guess what I'll be using this year :)

    Other books in my bundle were the daily RCL for 2104 and a book of poems and reflections collated by Janet Morley called 'Haphazard by Starlight' - I am looking forward to dipping into that too.

    Recently a friend described my church as 'a little bit mad' and that it suited me because I am 'a little bit mad too'.  Each of these is probably true, but am I downhearted?  Nope.  Gingerbread, cats and haphazard ideas all held together in ministry and mission - sounds good to me.

  • Grown Up Faith - Much Chewing Needed!

    In a recent sermon on the theme of 'growing with God' I referred in passing to the Pauline metaphors of baby food (or milk) and grown up food (meat), and the need to grapple with dififcult or uncomfortable texts as part of that growth.

    When I was planning my November series, having looked at the lectionary and the various 'special' Sundays that arise, I opted to work with a broad theme of 'hope' and will begin this week with a service for All Saints and All Souls with the title 'Sure and Certain Hope'.  In preparation for this, I spent a lot of time last week reading around Pauline (and other biblical) hints of universalism, because I thought my 'I'm not a universalist but I hope God is' theology was a bit too woolly and needed a bit more 'chewing'.  I have always been of the 'all can be saved' persuasion but not the 'all will be saved' because (i) where does that leave free will and (ii) what do I do with all those unpallatable predestination writings?  Anyway, last week's work was helpful, I felt I could see and understand the universalism in bits of Paul's writing and, without denying other views, a way to craft a pastorally sensitive (I hope!) sermon emphasising the 'all' (universal in every sense of the word) as the scope of salvation.

    So far so good.

    Then today PAYG gave me Luke 13:22-30...


    Jesus went through one town and village after another, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, ‘Lord, will only a few be saved?’ He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able. When once the owner of the house has got up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, “Lord, open to us”, then in reply he will say to you, “I do not know where you come from.” Then you will begin to say, “We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.” But he will say, “I do not know where you come from; go away from me, all you evildoers!” There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrown out. Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God. Indeed, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.’ (NRSV)


    Whilst Jesus does not set a limit on how many can be saved, there is a sense that some may find themselves excluded from the eschatological banquet.  Oh dear.  Two steps 'forward' and one step 'back' (or is it the converse? That probably depends on your theological standpoint, gentle reader).  So I end up pretty much back where I began, unable to be a signed up universalist and still hoping that God is.  Lots to chew on and chew over - this a topic I will need to return to time and again until the day that either Christ returns or I pass through the gateway called death, because I'm not sure that until then I will ever quite find myself ready to 'swallow' an answer.  If the Lukan Jesus is correct, I just hope that everyone finds their way through that narrow gate after all, and that those of us entrusted to help others do just that will prove worthy of that call.


    Why, God, did you inspire people to collect a set of writings that seem to suggest

    Universalism and predestination?

    That there may be an 'elect' and that Christ died for 'all'?

    That somehow, in you, all things hold together?

    Why do you not make it unequivocally clear

    Who, or how many, or what may be, or will be, saved?

    Why do devout Christians of every generation

    Squabble and divide, citing Calvin or Armenius

    As the final word (as though the Word made flesh was not final enough)?

    Why do you make it hard for us to know for sure

    What or how to believe?


    Child, these are mysteries beyond human understanding

    And all attempts to explain reveal only the bias of human hearts

    The finitude of human understanding

    The sinfulness within human structures and institutions


    Remember, child, that God is love

    That perfect love drives out fear

    And, in the end,

    At the eschaton

    Love wins

    And all will be well

    And all will be well

    And all manner of things will be well






    Stupid comment facility doing its usual nonsense... this from Julie by email:

    God always says yes and we can always say no in all eternity...but how could you when you see God in reality?

    My reply:

    Yup, this is helpful and hopeful (in an eschatological sense!)

  • Eight Years On...

    I find it rather hard to believe that this blog is eight years old and that typically around 2000 unique visitors will land here in any given month.  The truth is that sometimes I have very little to say, and posting can be as much habit as anything else.

    So it is interesting to look at the stats, and especially the key word searches, that bring people to this corner of blogland.  Obviously there are seasonal variations but there are a lot of searches for


    All age communion liturgies

    All age worship

    Funeral liturgies, especially for babies

    Seasonal liturgies


    Fairtrade products, liturgies, hymns and prayers


    Specific poems including

    'The Train to Glasgow'

    'The Hipporhinostacow'

    'God knows' by Minnie Haskins


    Medical and cancer related topics, and information on specific medical professionals (I have an ace GP and a fantastic breast care team :) )


    Random stuff such as motorway matrix signals, films or books


    Eight years on, I still have days when I will post three times (or more!) but I think there may be more days when I don't post, not because I'm bored with blogging, but because I really don't see the point in posting for the sake of it.  Sometimes, I suspect, less is more.