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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 58

  • Spooky Spice Tea - and a 'Hmm'

    Today I have the first cup of Advent Calendar tea!  It is a blend called 'Spooky Spice.'  I expect it's aimed at Halloween rather than Advent, but never mind, 'spooky' is one of the words I use to describe the moments when I sense the activity of God's Spirit in my life.

    So, I have my cup of tea, and I open up the first reading from 'Honest Advent' and it focuses on the story of the Annunciation, and invites us to ponder the kind of revelations we might invite, and the kind of revelations we actually experience.

    I have a 'hmm' moment, flashing back to the second Sunday in Advent 1997, and the incredible moment that God spoke to me with unmistakable clarity, calling me to ordained ministry 'you, preach the word, be ready in season and out of season.'  Almost quarter of a century later (how on earth - or in heaven - did that happen) I still feel that mix of terror and certainty, as I knew that to say 'yes' would irrevocably change my life.

    Sometimes, I feel like a grumpy old minister, cynical with age, and then in a spooky moment, God touches me afresh.

    If you read this chapter of this book, do so carefully, and take it seriously - saying 'yes' to God will mess with your life-plans...

    At its best, it will be so incredibly wonderful, and at its worst, so utterly awful, but in it all, you will know that for this God called you - here I am am Lord, let it be to me according to your will. 

  • The Jesse Tree - Day 1 - Creation

    Today we begin to add symbols to our Jesse tree - or if not to literally do so, then maybe to ponder the themes.

    The first theme is creation, and an invitation to identify, and thank God for, 'our favourite things' - which may, or may not, include raindrops on roses or warm woolen mittens!

    Here are a few of mine (not necessarily in any kind of order)



    The River Clyde

    The moon


    Tea leaves (from which to make tea)

    Crunchy autumn leaves


    Crunchy salad leaves

    Opposable thumbs

    Bird song


    The hour just before dawn






    What would you add?

    Thank you, God, for this wonderful world of which I am just a tiny part. Help me not only to delight in it, but also to treasure and care for it.

  • Born Among Us - Day 2

    Today's image is a photo of an artefact from a collection held by the Marian Library of the University of Dayton, Ohio.  Its simplicity is the key to its significance - minimal details, no facial features, only three characters.

    A prayer (written here, not used in the reflection)

    God of the simple things,

    Thank you that you simply came into our complicated world,

    That we might rediscover the simple truth that you love us.


  • Born Among Us - Day 1

    Today's image is of a Jesse Tree from a Chocktaw worldview.

    Today's prayer:

    Root of Jesse


    From many an ancient prophecy

    Promised child

    To all who would be reconciled

    Breaks through at last.


    A Virgin shoots accepts

    God's seed

    Bows to the mighty Deed.

    One branch

    Bears bud, flower, fruit:

    Christ blossoms as David's root.


    Lord, you are steam, stalk, tree!

    Let your fruit take root in me.

    Miriam Therese Winter

  • An Advent Challenge!

    Most years, I undertake a personal charity fund-raiser.  This year I have decided to do a physical challenge, which will mean attempting to do 24 sits ups (proper ones, which I find really difficult to do) every day of December up to Christmas Eve.  I have been practicing, and with a bit of foot anchoring (which I am assured is legitimate) I can certainly get to a dozen.

    Cancer Support Scotland (Tak Tent) offers mental health and well-being support for anyone affected by cancer, whether a personal diagnosis or that of a family member. I make no secret of the fact that the triple-whammy of chemical (induced by chemotherapy and hormone therapy), surgical (due to the side effects of the hormone therapy) and age-related (inevitable!) menopause messed with my mental health.  Although I was able to access other sources of support, others are not so fortunate, and organisations such as this are a real lifeline.

    I know that money is tight and there are oodles of causes to support, but if you would like to make a small donation, click here for the link...