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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 603

  • One for the Cat-People Out There

    Phewf it is H_O_T and poor Holly does not know what to do with herself - she keeps finding the cool patches of floor and tries to sleep away the day.

    So, today I have been investigating various intriguing things to buy for a her further indulgence.

    Arriving this week should be....

    • a cat fountain, which hols 3 litres of water which is recircualted, aerated and filtered
    • a cat scratching 'wave' in an attempt to distract her from the living room carpet (which may be legally mine and taxable as a benefit in kind but it still needs to be protected from pussy cats!)
    • a selection of cat grass, cat-mint and other cat-euphoria-inducing plants to grow and locate around the place for her to nibble

    Oh yes, I ordered some groceries for myself too!

  • Pentecost - A Diversity of Gifts

    This morning's service was based on the Ezekiel 37 vision of the valley of dry bones.  Arising from my reading of the passage, along with the Pauline body imagery in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, I wanted to be able to reflect some of the diversity of God-given gifts and personalities in our church community.

    So, we had a response in movement, led by someone who is a dancer, assisted by the children of Sunday School, which celebrated the wonder of our hands.

    We had a response from an eminent physician (an oncologist) noting that no matter how clever stem-cell therapies may become they will never actually create life, and that life is more than mere physical functioning

    We had a piece of silver jewellery specially crafted by one of our students, with a commentary explaining its significance... some very profound linking of theology, the choice of materials and the process of crafting.

    We had this picture by Emil Nolde, entitled Pentecost, along with some thoughts on it, notably the significance of the hands of the participants, from an art historian

    Emil Nolde Pentecost.jpg










    We had a new setting of 'sing a new song to the Lord' composed by our pianist, who noted the juxtaposition of old and new, and the inevitability of change however we might resist or regret it.

    I then spoke a bit about the idea of the Ezekiel 'army' as a corps - a body of people, each unique and all marching to the drumbeat of God's heart.  I posited the idea that Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 actually continue where Ezekiel leaves off, and apply both locally and trans-locally.  I think it just about worked!

    The children had fun making dangly skeletons and balloon figure, and the feedback was that people had really appreciated the diversity and creativity, which was precisely what I'd hoped for.

    A good day methinks.  This evening is a Churches Together 'Evensong' for Pentecost at the Piskie (Anglican) Cathedral, just round the corner and along the road.

  • Home!

    Hungarian Holiday 2012 015.JPGJust one quickly uploaded picture from my holiday in Hungary.  A beautiful country with friendly people, whose humour seems similar to that of us Brits.

    Glorious weather and, it seems, temperatures not disimilar to the UK.

    Great food at ridiculously low prices, and managed to avoid too many paprika mishaps!  Interesting names like "robber meat" and "gypsy roasts" ... Lovely fresh cherries.  Fresh bread from the bakery.  Tasty cheeses.  Lots of lovely fresh salads too.  And ginger ale.  Very happy.

    Lots to see and do, and the bonus of a day trip to Vienna (in the rain!).

    Had a wonderful time, and now very glad to be home where I belong... and melting steadily!

  • Ascension Day...

    ... what better day to be up, up and away on my hols?

    Early start and a long day ahead.  Flight socks on, wrists restrained, bags all packed, cat fed, blog posted... see you again for Pentecost!

  • Cupcakes...

    A few pics from this morning... the leftovers will be sold for Christian Aid.... yum!


