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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 602

  • Gorgeous Old Hymns (2)

    Another lovely oldie, can be found in BHB, CH4, H&P, R&S among others

    Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
    Wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
    Stoop to my weakness, mighty as Thou art,
    And make me love Thee as I ought to love.

    I ask no dream, no prophet-ecstasies,
    no sudden rending of the veil of clay,
    no angel-visitant, no opening skies;
    but take the dimness of my soul away.

    Hast Thou not bid me love Thee, God and King -
    All, all Thine own, soul, heart, and strength and mind?
    I see Thy cross - there teach my heart to cling:
    O let me seek Thee, and O let me find!

    Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh;
    Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear,
    To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh;
    Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

    Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love,
    One holy passion filling all my frame -
    The baptism of the heaven-descended Dove,
    My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame.

    George Croly (1780-1860)

  • Gorgeous Old Hymns (1)

    There are a few variants of this one, which is to be found in BHB, MP, CH4 and a whole host of other older hymnbooks.


    Spirit divine, attend our prayers,
    and make our hearts thy home;
    descend with all thy gracious powers;
    O come, great Spirit, come!

    Come as the light: to us reveal
    our emptiness and woe;
    and lead us in those paths of life
    where all the righteous go.

    Come as the fire, and purge our hearts
    like sacrificial flame;
    let our whole soul an offering be
    to our Redeemer's name.

    Come as the dew, and sweetly bless
    this consecrated hour;
    may barrenness rejoice to own
    thy fertilizing power.

    Come as the dove, and spread thy wings,
    the wings of peaceful love;
    and let thy church on earth become
    blest as the church above.

    Come as the wind, with rushing sound
    and pentecostal grace,
    that all of woman born may see
    the glory of thy face.

    Spirit divine, attend our prayers;
    make a lost world thy home;
    descend with all thy gracious powers;
    O come, great Spirit, come!

    Andrew Reed (1787-1862) CM

  • Nearly But Not Quite...

    This morning I've been searching for hymns/songs for Sunday which is kind of "Pentecost Part Deux" as I make a bridge between Pentecost last Sunday and using the BMS Undefeated resource next.  I found some gorgeous old hymns (alert - I may be digging out the old GREEN Baptist Hymnbooks on Sunday as I found two lovely ones that didn't make the cut for BPW). 


    I also found this one, in Kid Source...

    The Holy Spirit is a 'he', not an 'it' (not an 'it')

    The Holy Spirit is a 'he', not an 'it' (not an 'it')

    The Holy Spirirt is a 'he', how would you feel if you were he

    And ev'rybody in the church called you 'it' (called you 'it')

    Steve Burnthorpe, (c) Daybreak Music

    Nice idea but actually wrong.  I'm not sure when the translation from the Hebrew and Greek first rendered the Spirit as male, but it is a mis-translation that is not sustainable once we learn that ruach, pneuma, sophia are all feminine words.  I totally get what the song writer is trying to achieve, but it's flawed.  So, let's attempt a version that won't offend those who struggle with feminine language for God, but which is authentically rooted in scripture:

    The Holy Spirit is Sophia, not an 'it' (not a 'it')

    The Holy Spirit is Ruach, not a 'it' (not a 'it')

    The Holy Spirit is Pnuema, how would you feel if it were you

    And ev'rybody in the church called you 'it' and not your name?

  • Glasgow West End Festival

    This month-long event is now underway - and we are offering no less than six contributions ranging from a kiddies' beach party to philosophical debate to story-telling to choral communion to cupcake decorating.  Should be something for everyone.  We will also be 'cross-selling' other events that are attractive to our visitors and participating in events offered by other churches.


    Mission as hospitality

    Mission as welcoming the stranger

    Mission as worship

    Mission as community engagement

    Mission as salt and light

    Mission as having fun

    Mission as showing the Outrageous Generosity of our Big-Hearted God


    Find out more here

    We are venue 25... if you are nearby do drop in to any of our events and say 'hi'

  • Signs

    Among my holiday snaps are a few of signs that caught my attention for one reason or another...

    Hungarian Holiday 2012 001.JPGThis one was seen at Manchester Airport on a series of blus plastic boxes arranged, so far as I could tell to catch water seeping through the ceiling/roof due to some sort of leak.

    It appealed to my odd sense of humour, making me wondering if this was the Mancunian response to the drought that is affecting so much of the UK?


    This one was on a hoarding of a building site in Vienna.  I liked it as it reflected the theme that ran through my research work, and my views on the place of church history in the thinking and theologising of the present in order to shape our future.  In Vienna, old buildings were being restored for the benefit of a new generation and beyond.  The English isn't great, but the message is a good one.

    Hungarian Holiday 2012 190.JPG












    From Hungary, a selection in a park... and in Vienna, with the polite multi-lingual notice I failed to snap saying in English "please do not step on the grass"... looks like some captions are required!

    Hungarian Holiday 2012 273.JPG

    Hungarian Holiday 2012 197.JPG