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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 598

  • Poetry Worth Pondering

    This afternoon our speaker for our West End Festival event was leading us in exploring some poetry - and a great time was had by all who shared in it.

    One of the poems was called 'Message Clear'...

    Very clever... read along each line forming words, then note that each line is formed by removing letters from the final line... or is it that the whole is more than sum of its parts?  I loved it!

    (Tried to copy and paste but it lost the formatting)

  • You Could Not Plan It...

    Now, before I go any further, I want to make it clear that I do not believe God favours me over anyone or anything but WOW! I decided to come and watch the second day of the torch relay through Glasgow, and opted to stand at the road junction opposite the end of the road where the Gathering Place is located.  And this is what I was privileged to view:



















    I am ridiculously pleased - I now have some amazing photos for tomorrow's service!

  • Olympic Flame

    I watched the flame pass by in University Avenue...


    This made me chuckle... 'Greek' maidens singing the Java Jive on the steps of Wellington Church of Scotland



    Glad I went to see it... a once in a lifetime opportunity (or twice if you live in Glasgow and get up early tomorrow!).

  • More Cupcakes!

    OK, so I have now baked and decorated 4 dozen cupcakes... this is called ministry a la Martha, in case you were wondering!

    The final few photos...

    Daisy-chain cupcakes




    Box 1 - A garden of delights!


    Box 2 - The cream of Glasgow! Triple choc and the ubiquitous blueberry cheese cake


  • Another Bake-a-Thon

    In a rash moment I said I'd bake and decorate cupcakes for next week's community outreach event... then life got silly... but a promise is a promise.  So this evening I baked away and now have two batches complete and two more waiting for decoration...

    Triple choc cupcakes










    Raspberry and Vanilla wiv cute ickle Flowers Cupcakes
