This Sunday we will be starting a seven week series of all age services looking at aspects of discipleship viewed through the lens of Mark's gospel. It is technically a lectionary-based series but for good reason we are starting it about 3 weeks late! Anyways, this week's gospel reading is Mark 3: 25 - 35, which is not exactly easy reading.
The thing that has really got me thinking is the call to be Jesus' 'brothers, sisters and mother.' The sibling bit I get. It's not an easy call, but it's one that makes sense. But the mothering bit - now that's more tricky! How can I - or anyone - be 'mother of Jesus' or 'mother to Jesus'? What does it mean? How do we bring Christ to birth in others maybe? Or how do we nurture the child Christ glimpsed in every human child? Or how do we fulfil the prophetic message of Magnificat? What is/was the unique role of mother wihtin the (human) household of Jesus or the (spiritual) household of God?
Hmmm. I really don't know. But it's a challenge for sure.