So, on Friday I was in London (those cupcakes travelled a VERY long way) and on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning I snapped photos that I thought *might* speak something into this theme... mixing work with leisure as ever!
Anyhow, here is a photo from Friday afternoon. At one level it is a failure - the shutter closed just to late and I missed the straight down the street shot I'd been after (I was on a Duck at the time!). At another it is fantastic - it has lots of people as well as lots of buildings and flags. If you look at it, what do you notice? Where may God be found?

To whom is the girl on the left speaking on the phone? About what?
What is the man in the apron doing? Why is he there?
What is in the folder being carried by the business man walking towards the left? Where is he going?
And the person with the umbrella - where is he/she headed?
What other people, places and situations are expressed?
God of the city, hear their prayers and let their cries come to you.