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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 591

  • Three Thousand Comments!

    Well, yesterday the comment count on this blog reached 3000, so time for a present giveaway to the commenter.

    Pam (who commented on urban spirituality) please let me know via commenting if an Amazon voucher is OK as your reward, as you don't seem to have a wish list.

    Many, many thanks to all commenters (who brave the dreadful unpredictability of this platform) and lurkers for your support, encouragement and interest for what is now heading towards seven years!

  • Pointless

    One of the tea time television quizzes 'de jour' is Pointless.  I have to admit I quite like this (and twice would have one the jackpot had I made it that far, once on long distance footpaths in the UK and the other on Scottish universities) and if I'm home will happily sit and watch it.

    So, this morning part of our service will be 'Pointless' as I give people one hundred seconds tyo write down as many _____ __ _____ in the Bible as they can.  Ah but that'd be telling, some read this before coming to church and would have time to swat up first.

    Think good categories for Pointless at some poiont to have would be ...

    Books of the Bible

    Parables told by Jesus

    Plagues of the Exodus


    Oh, and of course variants on the one I'm using, which will produce loads and loads of 'pointless' answers for sure!!

  • More Baking!

    Tomorrow I am travelling south to meet some friends for a very quick catchup and promised them some cupcakes:


    The question is, will they survive being carried on and off three trains in the process?

    Sometimes I think I make some rather ridiculous promises!

  • Mentoring and Munching

    One of the delights and privileges of being an experienced minister is mentoring less experienced ministers, and this year I have been working with a very capable and intelligent young minister, reflecting on aspects of a complex ministry pattern and watching as nascent gifts and skills begin to find expression.

    Today to mark the end of year one, we went out for lunch.  I am the 'food 'n' drink' mentor, the one who buys wine (or soft drinks) for NAMs, who sups coffee (or tea) at the drop of a hat, and who thinks food is very important (and that it ticks the WWJD box!). 

    I am privileged indeed - there are not many jobs/careers that allow such enjoyable means of working, or that permit such important working relationships to be formed.  When I wrote my essay on mentoring for SBC/BUS (so that I could be a thrice-qualified mentor) I read some stuff about women's mentoring styles.  Whilst I dislike gender stereotypes, it does seem that women are more likely than men to see leisurely meetings over meals as a valid approach.

    Anyway, I have a full belly and a warm glow from our conversations.  Have a brilliant summer M, and in September Year 2 begins - more coffee methinks!

  • Summer in the City?

    This morning I have been contemplating my service for Sunday evening on urban spirituality.

    Here in Glasgow it has been raining on and off all morning, and UK-wide it has not exactly been a barbecue summer so far.

    With this in mind, this song came into my head...


    I would like to point out I was the grand old age of 3 when this was originally released!

    It may yet make an appearance on Sunday evening... you have been warned!  (I have one or two others up my sleeve too)