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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 79

  • The Fifth Blessing

    Today's gift was a short length of rainbow ribbon.

    The rainbow is possibly the best known - and most squabbled over - symbol of hope

    Jews and Christians each claim it as theirs, and get hoity toity when LQBTQI+ groups adopt it as theirs.

    This year, I have even seen a tiny amount of chagrin from small parts of all of these, as it has been used to express solidarity and appreciation for the NHS in this strange year.

    The thing is, it doesn't belong to anyone, it is God's symbol and God's sign, a promise for all creation, not just all humans or some humans.

    This Advent,  have two books on the go (as well as the Bag of Blessings, the daily Poem, Picture and Prayer, and a purely fun digital Advent Calendar) so my ribbon makes a useful book mark, and a daily reminder to 'keep hoping...'

  • A Poem, A Picture and A Prayer - Day 4

    Today's poem is The Coming by R S Thomas, which you can read here


    The image was available royalty free online and captures something of the poem's imagery.


    And a prayer...

    God who holds all creation in your hand,

    Gazing in tender love at the beauty and fragility of all you have made,

    Thank you that, no matter how dark the night,

    No matter how broken the world,

    No matter how lonely or alone it may be,

    Still your Son says, 'let me go there.'


  • The Fourth Blessing

    Today's gift was a few strips of 'paper chain' and an invitation to recognise those with whom we connect, at home, at church, at work, wherever, and to pray for them.

  • A Poem, A Picture and a Prayer - Day 3

    Today's poem is Advent Calendar by Rowan Williams, which you can find here

    The photo was an incredible sunrise, glimpsed only because, waiting to cross the road, I looked east and saw it. Christ comes a bit like that.

    And a prayer...

    God of sunrise and sunset

    Who, in this darkest of seasons

    Surprises us with jewel-coloured skies

    Red and pinks, gold, orange, mauve and silver...

    Fleeting reminders that always, always

    You come like the dark...

    And you are the light.


  • The Third Blessing

    Today's gift is practical - a key-ring with a wooden fob.  It was packed undecorated, but I chose to decorate mine (though the silver ink doesn't show up very well!)

    Christ as the 'Key of David' who unlocks the door/gate that leads us into hope.

    As the well loved hymn expresses it...

    O come, Thou Key of David, come
    And open wide our heavenly home
    Make safe the way that leads on high
    And close the path to misery

    Perhaps the key-ring can be put to good use, and be a sign of hope in the everyday.