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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 80

  • A Poem, a Picture and a Prayer - Day 2

    Today's poem is The Coming of the Cold by Theodor Roethke, and you can read it here

    The photo is a tree that stands in the centre of paved area where people gather to chat, close to a parade of shops, and overlooking a play park.  It was the stark, near bareness, of the branches that struck me.

    And a prayer...

    God who created all things,

    Who grants the earth its winter rest.

    To refresh,

    To renew,

    To re-create

    Even when all seems dark, and stark, and devoid of life...

    Grant us, too, the renewing of hope and the re-creation of joy.


  • The Second Blessing

    A paper star, upon which to write a message, and three gold star stickers.

    I chose to stick the stars onto a candle, which I will light to pray for the three people with whom I meet weekly on Zoom to pray with and for each other.  These three ministers each shine like stars in their own contexts, and it is good to remember to honour and pray for them in this way.

  • A Poem, a Picture and a Prayer - Day 1

    Today's poem is Ode to Winter by Gillian Clarke, which I reproduced on this blog seven years ago (eek!) here, should you wish to read it.

    The photo is of the window of one of my down stairs neighbours, who put the candlabra up about a week before advent began.

    And the prayer, which is my own work!

    God of all seasons,

    Who established the gentle rhythms of nature. and blessed us with both darkness and light,

    At the start of this Advent season, as we make space this day to become aware of you,

    May the gentle warmth of your love surround us,

    And the unquenchable flicker of hope sustain us,

    That by day and by night, we may rest in you.


  • The First Blessing

    It's a tiny candle, the kind that are used for Hannukah, made of beeswax and intended to burn for about twenty to thirty minutes.

    Pausing to sit and watch the flicker of candle light in the window... time to be still and quiet... time to savour the simple beauty of a candle flame defying the darkness of night, and taking its place alongside street lights and the stars.

    The light shines in the darkness; and the darkness can never overcome it.


  • Advent Begins...

    This morning the good people of the Gathering Place were finally permitted to open the mysterious brown boxes that had been sent to them by post.

    Inside was, to all intents and purposes, an Advent Calendar with a difference... a Bag of Blessings, with something for each day up to and including Christmas Day.

    This morning we prayed for the courage to hope, thought about the interconnectedness of faith and hope, and gave thanks for the little shoots of new growth that are the signs of God's inbreaking kingdom.

    Over the coming days, look out for more objects from the bags!