I feel I need to preface this by saying that the NHS is essentially full of great people, but I do feel that over the last few weeks my path specifically has been crossed by many angels - bringers of grace and hope - in the shape of doctors, technicians and nurses. Today I met the chemotherpay nurse who will oversee my treatments, a lovely young woman who I discovered is a Roman Catholic with a little boy of four. Combining attention to detail, clinical skill and a friendly personality, she rapidly put me at ease and made the whole process remarkably easy. Praise God for people like D.
In the treatment area are ranks of coloured lights at ceiling level which change colour from purple to red to orange & yellow to green and so on. They are evidently meant to be calming. For me they served as a reminder of the busy thoroughfare that is central Leicester where illuminated poles follow the same colour sequence at the same speed.... weird!
And a fox. Leaving the hospital to walk home (feeling remarkably like a fraud that I could do this quite happily) I spotted a fox running across my path. Unabashed, it selected a comfy spot in the flower border, turned round dog-like and settled down to sit in the sun, enjoying the adulation of its audience. Beautiful and mysterious, the urban fox bringing joy to delight my soul.