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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 940

  • Post No 1000

    So, just days after its third birthday, this blog reaches its one thousandth post.  Probably this should be marked in some way, but beyond noting the fact, I'm not sure how.

    Last night our 'thing in a pub' had no speaker, and yet still there were six of us, and those who came seem to enjoy simply chatting and being together.  We shared our sandwiches with three young care-workers having and after work drink and spoke to an older man having a quiet pint in the corner.  Apart from my vicar-disguise to keep the church folk happy, there was nothing really to advertise who we were, but it felt positive,a nd the conversation flowed quite freely, around loosely church/faith topics.  I think it served/serve a useful purpose in giving my younger widower and another lone male a place to go out on their own without pressures to do or be other than who they are.  Perhaps I should advcoate pastoral care as pub visits?!

    This morning I am due to drive to Fed-Ex to collect 200 Christmas crackers and the like ready for our big outreach events.  Last night we chatted about how many of lunch club folk now think we are their church, even though they only ever come when specially invited or if we go to them.  So, mission as mince-pies maybe?

    Once I have done my collecting, it will be time to head to Fosse Park for a skinny fairtrade latte, and maybe a skinny muffin, in the food court.  A time to relax and reflect, some time for me simply to be, to watch the people who mill around, and who knows, even to meet God in the midst of it all.  Enough ramblings for one day, for one thousand posts even.  Whoever and wherever you are, I hope yours is good day, and thank you for dropping by.

  • EMBA Women in Ministry Day

    The Baptist Union has been ordaining women to ministry for something like 80 years, yet whilst late-comer Christian traditions have reached parity on ordinations of men and women, female Baptist ministers remain a minority in a tradition where many churches oppose our existence.  It is a sad fact that there is a need for 'places' where those of us who have survived the perils of the path to ministry, and the ongoing thorns and thistles of doing/being what God has called us to, can gather not to whinge, not to huddle in some kind of holy-coven, but to share, celebrate, commiserate, affirm and encourage each other.  I wish such fora were not needed, but they are.

    There was much that was great about the day - some inspiring stories of work individuals are doing, some honest sharing of struggles and heartbreak, some laughter, and some calorie-free chocolate biscuits.  OK I made up the last bit, but it was overall a good day.  Particularly good was to have the two men ministers who are part of our Regional Team with us, two men who are good advocates for justice in ministerial recognition and whose support and encouragement have been, and are, valued by many of us.

    Less good was the sense that the Union is struggling to address this issue, that it is not seen as having the same priority as some other issues.  I think if these other issues were world hunger or people trafficking or supporting those on the margins of our own societies, I'd be sympathetic, but they aren't.  Many more eloquent speakers have spoken on this topic and many/most women of my generation are reluctantly drawn into the idea that this is an issue, because in 'the real world' it wasn't - for the most part we aren't rabid feminists (or not rabid anyway ;0) )and just long to be affirmed in the work to which God has called us.  To be fair, I think the Union does recognise that it is the women ministers, students and single blokes who get the toughest churches, and that among these are some of the finest ministers we have.  What is harder is to challenge a culture that sees small, elderly, HMF, inner city, rural, mutli-ethnic, deprived area (etc) churches as the ones that either are what you do on the way to something better (for which read bigger, more prosperous, nicer area) or because you can't get anything better in the first place.  This is an insult to churches and ministers alike.  I wonder what God thinks, looking at the Church and seeing its divisions not by theology or tradition but by 'successful' 'unsuccessful' demarcation, knowing that those in the tougher contexts are often those God has gifted especially?

    Travelling home with a friend, I asked her if she felt 'affirmed and celebrated' the title of the day.  She said, and I would concur, that she felt affirmed and encouraged, but was less sure about the celebration aspect.  Perhaps it is semantics, and perhaps it needs more church-wide acknowledgement recognition of the ongoing role of women in God's work - from Shiphrah and Puah, Deborah, Rahab, Ruth, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, Johanna, Eunice and Lois to Mary Jones, Lottie Moon, Catherine Branwell Booth, Mother Theresa, Miss Rennant, Miss Timmis and so on.  Oh, and if there are any of these names you don't know, I rest my case!

    Overall, a good day, worth repeating, but needs care to keep its focus Godwards and its approach reflexive as time goes by.

  • Wrinklie Reality

    Lunch Club day today - one of the highlights of my month.  It was proper driecht (which I still cannot remember how to spell, depsite having been told by real Scots several times) this morning, and by the time we returned home, fine, chilling rain was falling.  I was glad of stew and dumplings followed by rice pudding and jam - proper comfort food!

    For several of our folk this was the first time they'd been out this week - and would probably be the last unless the weather improved.  Sobering to think what a high spot this monthly lunch is for so many people.

    This month we had an unusually high number of sickness absences - another sign that winter is on its way - and the really sad task of refunding an advance payment for the Christmas dinner to someone who will be dead by then.  There was something very poignant about that, not least because this person has relatively recently found happiness in a new romantic relationship.  Such is the fragility and tentative nature of golden years romance.

    We also had a new member, a woman who has an MBE and is remarkably proud of the fact, and makes sure everyone knows, something which annoys several others.  It is a shame that we can't always look fast the veneer to see the frail and frightened human inside, the lonely woman who has fund-raised tirelessly for charity and now faces long, empty days herself.

    The whole event seemed to have a cosy glow about it, an unhurried pace, a sense of wellbeing and welcome.  I hope that in some small measure we brought into the lives of these folk the Light that cannot be extinguished and the hope that is beyond age.

  • A Perennial Gripe

    Last night the Girls' Brigade began work on their nativity musical play.  This year someone from their church is organising this, which is great.  My gripe, and it happens every year, is that all the characters, apart from Mary, are male - there is a census man, a male angel called Foghorn Fred, even the generic people are referred to as 'he' rather than 'they.'  Hopefully by next week the script will have been suitably amended - so we will have a census person and Foghorn Freda.  What is more sad, is that most people in churches just don't get it.  When the evidence seems to be that our Sunday Schools, like our churches, have more girls than boys, then it's about time our drama scripts reflected this.  Why should the girls have to be non-speaking angels or narrators if they aren't the 'chosen one' who gets to be Mary by dint of her blond hair and blue yes? Grumble, mumble, rant.

  • So, what is 'Appropriate Christian Grief'?

    An abortive attempt at a sermon, a walk to the bank, the ordering of some 200 Christmas crackers, and various degrees of mulling later, I think I have some thoughts...


    An honest grief - a grief that does not pretend everything is alright when it clearly isn't, that acknowledges pain, questions, regrets, doubts, whatever it may be, for that person at that time.

    A hopeful grief - a grief that sees death not as the end but as part of something else, that, despite the pain etc., looks beyond itself not in a pious, pie-in-the-sky way, but trusts in God's promises

    A joyful grief - joy is not the same as happiness, but it is a quality that allows for smiles and laughter, celebration and remembering, whilst avoiding false cheerfulness

    A mysterious grief - a grief that recognises that death is a mystery, that we cannot fully know what follows, that we can never really understand what happens, but we know (intuitively?) that something is going on.  Linked with hope, we know that ultimately all will be well

    A timely grief - a grief that is expressed at the right time, not being repressed or suppressed but also not being measured according to some psychological scheme with phases and timings.  It does its 'work' and does not ensnare or damage.

    A shared grief - if we take seriously the idea of community, of our interconnectedness in the 'Body of Christ' then we must grieve together on some sense.

    A healing grief - that somehow in the honesty, hope, joy, mystery, timeliness and sharing we find wholeness and liberation so that we can continue to live life in all its fullness.


    Still not a sermon, and needs some careful work to make it useable, but getting there, I think.