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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 947

  • Christmas Kitch

    The Baptist Times this week reported that people did not have (quote) 'a detailed knowledge of the Nativity', whilst I am sure I know what they mean, I'm not actually too sorry about the fact that people are not growing up thinking that three shepherds brought a lamb and three kings arrived moments later with gold, frankinstein (groan) and myrrh.  Maybe there's an opportunity for the church to actually get to grips with what the gospels actually do/don't say about it all. But, if you want a funny video of the nativity then maybe this which, inspired the Churches' Advertising Network 2007 poster, is for you.  Enjoy (ht revjev)

  • Sunshine and Shadows

    Many of my friends, 'real life' and 'virtual world,' are in tough places at the moment.  Lots of painful struggles, deep anxieties, bereavements and emotional or spiritual emptiness.  This is for them - or you if you are one of them , several of you are - a picture from a card given to me many years ago by Rachel Jenkins, my college tutor at the time, and some words from a Roman Catholic hymn which expresses something of God's eternal presence.  Hope they help.


    struggle and soar.JPG

    On the thumb-nail image you can't read the words, which say: "Some days we struggle, other days we soar, but there's not a day when are are not held securely in his everlasting arms."

    I watch the sunrise lightning the sky
    Casting its shadows near.
    And on this morning bright though it be
    I feel those shadows near me.

    But you are always close to me
    Following all my ways.
    May I be always close to you
    Following all your ways, Lord.
    John Glynn

    'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me, you rod and staff they comfort me"

    Whatever life is throwing at you at the moment, I pray you know God's deep, enduring shalom.
  • Only a shadow...

    One of the RC songs suggested for our songs of praise service got me thinking.  I think I like what it is saying, even though it does not qualify as even remotely decent poetry.  It speaks of the limitations of our responses to God...


    The love I have for you, my Lord,

    Is only a shadow of youe love for me;

    Only a shadow of your love for me;

    Your deep abiding love.


    My own belief in you, my Lord,

    Is only a shadow of your faith in me;

    Only a shadow of your fiath in me;

    Your deep and lasting faith.


    My life is in your hands;

    My life is in your hands.

    My love for you will grow, my God.

    Your light in me will shine.


    The dream I dream today, my Lord,

    Is only a shadow of your dream for me;

    Only a shadow of all that will be;

    If I but follow you.


    The joy I feel today, my Lord,

    Is only a shadow of your joys for me;

    Only a shadow of your joys for me;

    When we meet face to face.

    Carey Landry from 'Hymns Old and New' pub. Kevin Mayhew (No 536)


    That our dreams for ourselves are but a shadow of God's dreams for us - that seems to be something worth pondering.

  • In the Spirit of Ecumenism...

    On 12th October we have a 'songs of praise' service at a local sheltered housing complex, with hymns and songs chosen by lunch club folk.

    Among the requests are three for which I have no music - though I think have now tracked down the words.  One is an old Salvationist hymn and two are Roman Catholic (I definitely have these words as I have on permanent, unofficial loan a copy of the RC Hymns Old and New words only).  Can anyone help?

    The hymns are:

    Jesus, keep me near the cross (evidently the tune is called Healing Stream) (Salvationist)

    There is a river (tune may be called something like Going Home) (RC)

    The love I have for you my Lord (RC)


    Photocopies or scans of music would be great - and we are CCLI registered so legal too, I believe.  If you can help, please leave a comment and I'll email you (you don't need to post your email address, I can email you via the blog service)

    If nothing else it will make a change from 'Abide with me' or 'How Great Thou Art' which are requested every time.

    Thank you one and all.

  • Significance in Insignificance

    Yesterday I finally completed a draft of Sunday's reflections (we're not having a sermon per se) on three of the Matthean 'Kingdom of Heaven' parables set alongside the 'Sheep and Goats.'

    The thing that struck me most as I was working with the texts was the significance of tiny things, things that seem at first insignificant.  Let's face it, two of the three Kingdom parables I'm using are so tiny you could miss them.  Tiny little seeds (wheat, weeds or mustard) tiny portions of leaven/yeast, or, in the Matthew 25 story seemingly insignifiant actions - a cup of water, a welcome, a visit, a meal (given or not given).  For good or for ill, done or left undone, tiny things matter.

    In each of the three Kingdom parables, the original 'tiny thing' is both hidden and lost - seed is buried in the ground, yeast worked into the dough.  When the soil is again tilled, the seed is gone; when the bread is broken the yeast cannot be found, it has been killed in the baking.  There is something sacrificial about these tiny things, they are lost but the outworking of their influence continues (again, for good or ill).

    Challenging texts - encouraging us that the unseen, seemingly insignificant, good things, God things, matter but at the same time cautioning that the unseen, seemingly insignificant, undone good or chosen bad things also matter.

    One day we'll all be long gone and, grave stones notwithstanding, most of us will be 'forgotten as a dream' but the significance of who we are and what we do or don't do will survive us.  As I pondered the service, I was reminded of some of the people and actions that for me have been 'mustard seed' - people who would be startled to be recalled I'm sure:  Mr Cann, Mr & Mrs Higgs, 'Auntie' Biddie Burt (the formality reflects the age!) - if there were to be non-conformist 'Saints' these, long past Methodists and Congregationalists would be among my nominations (most of the Baptist ones I can think of are still very much alive in this world!).  These folk, and others, taught me much about what it means to be a disciple of Christ not with great speeches or learned exposition (though at least a couple of them could have done) but in the tiny things.  For that I'm truly thankful.