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What I wish I'd had the Guts to Say...!

Last night's church meeting left me feeling fed up (if you read the last post you'll know that).  Not because people want a church building of their own, but because they say it is the first priority for us.  And on the same day, I'd spent a couple of hours with one of our less affluent folk who feels she has no worth because she doesn't have what she perceived everyone else (except me!) having.

I wish I'd had the guts to say, 'If you think a church building is so important, how about you all sell your houses, buy something that meets your needs not your wants, and give the proceeds to the church for the purposes of building.'  Farewell to conservatories, spare bedrooms occupied for an odd weekend now and then, no more whirlpool baths, double garages filled with clutter, etc., etc.  Instead they could buy small terraced houses... Even as I wish I'd said it, I hear the responses 'oh, but I need a nice spare room in case the family come to stay...', 'oh but I work hard, I need my comfort....'  (Think Habbakuk, Amos and panelled houses)

I wish I'd had the guts to ask if us having a church building is really a higher priority than addressing issues of suffering, injustice and intolerance.  Whether, even if they sold their houses, the proceeds might not be better employed in an AIDS project or an irrigation scheme in some drought afflicted nation.

I wish I'd had the guts to ask the person who inivted me to her 'big birthday' party which charity she'd like me to donate to rather than buying her a present - but I still haven't got over the look of shock on people's faces here when I told them that's what I'd asked people to do at my 40th.

I wish I'd had the guts to ask if they really thought that people would actually come to a church building in order to join in some crazy ritual we call worship

I guess I wish I'd had the guts to be a bit prophetic.

On Sunday I will preach on Romans 10:14 'How can call if they don't believe, how can they believe if they haven't heard, how can they hear if no one tells them, how can they tell unless they are sent.'  It seems to me the Bible says a lot more about 'go' than 'come' (notwithstanding a couple of bits of Jesus in the gospels).  I intend to talk about mission as service, as friendship and as proclamation - all of which are done 'out there' not 'in here.'

There, spleen vented somewhat - which is as well I'm due for a blood pressure check in an hour!


  • Go Catriona!

    I confess I share many of frustrations about priorities in church life: not just mission but even the basics of caring for one another which seems to be low priority. Even the simple thing of keeping the garden at the church nice so it looks like the building has not been abandoned. They work allotments but the garden was a weed patch (its nice now thanks to two days hard work).

    It seems they have a God who cares about where furniture is, the colour of things and which hymns we sing but not about anyhting like poverty or the kingdom etc.

    Even Sunday roasts come before discussing mission priorities!

    It seems to me that only God can melt their cold hearts and un-stiffen their necks- our job is just to keep bringing the message - thankfully its not our responsibility what decisions they make. They will answer before the throne for them.

  • How true. Hopefully Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Habbakuk and Co will be in the same corner of hell/heaven as we veggie-affirming heretics, so that I can ask them how it was for them, and how high their BP was!

    PS I have a large bag of jelly babies for Saturday - hospitality in sweeties?

  • and how high is yours? Hope it is OK???!!!

  • Maybe we should start a new church?

    But then I'd be in it so it wouldn't be perfect!

  • Nice lady took a bottle of blood (is that demonic too?!) to test and got her nice machine to draw squiggly lines on a piece of paper. In two weeks ish when the blood has done what it needs to do, they'll tell me what next... just need to arm myself with suitable proof texts!!

    Hey, it'd be nearer a perfect church with you than me.

    btw, my cup of tea tasted extra delicious after 17 hours fasting!

  • Sounds like we are travelling the same medical path....I am a bit further on though- consultant this afternoon!

    I'll arm wrestle you for title 'Worst of sinners' - though one of my tutors always has claimed it as his!

  • How good is 147/97?

    Keep taking the tablets. It gives you more shared experience to talk with older members about (that and getting dentures that shoot across the room when you sneeze!)

  • It's higher than mine!

  • I cannot believe this blog is turning into the middle aged angst column!

    So far as I can ascertain, just about every 40 something minister I know has borderline or mild hypertension... must be something to do with the job... Andy is 'winning' so far on highest numbers

    Now, how's about something more cheerful?!

  • Dear all

    Just for info, just about every 40something person in this affluent, lazy country has borderline or high blood pressure, lots of them just don't know it! (Like me they avoid letting anyone take it - ignorance really is bliss sometimes). We all have it, because we smoke, eat rich diets of salt-laden processed foods and don't do any exercise, and because we're all getting older all the time.

    Now I've got that off my chest, can we please change the subject? I come here to get away from work!

  • I hereby declare the topic of blood pressure well and truly closed!

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