I recall a Methodist minister colleague telling me how it felt quite scary when he saw his carefully prepared services for the Chrismas period laid out neatly on his desk - and the worry that he might pick up the wrong one. Would that my desk were that tidy (it would, for those who can recall it, currently give Rachel Jenkins a run for a her money).
Only six more services to deliver - and I think that in terms of prepartion I'm almost there.
This week seems to be eat preach and sleep - in no particular order - with a bit of mega pastoral work thrown in for good measure. By the end of Christmas Day service, since Sunday last, I will have had around 500 people-contacts (not 500 different people, but certainly at least 300) in a gospel capacity. Something tells me that that is more than worth the stupefaction I am already feeling!
So do you manage to have 6 to do?
I realise there's a bit of licence in what constitutes delivering here, since arguably at Sing Christmas all I do is turn up, set up and shut up! But I still had to print sheets, organise props and transfer PPT to laptop (and change colour scheme - grey-green on white is so rubbish for projection). And I still have to stand at the front and make sure it all happens!
Then two on Sunday, two on Monday, one on Tuesday...