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Six Random Facts Meme

I have just been tagged by Baptist Bookworm with this potentially amusing meme:

The Rules

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Write six random things about yourself.
  4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
  5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So, in the spirit of general nonsense in which it is intended, and in no particular order, here are six things you probably never wanted to know about me but now you do!

  1. For two years at primary school I sat opposite Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime (and beat him in every subject except English!); our class teacher from '3P' Miss Cottingham is mentioned fleetingly in A Spot of Bother.
  2. My first car was a bright yellow Ford Cortina with a black vinyl roof (!!!) - the only three door version after one of my brothers reversed it into a gate post and my Dad muffed replacing the affected door.  After six months I changed to buying dark blue super-minis which no brothers ever want to drive!
  3. In a recent conversation about what we'd come back as if Buddhists were right (the things theologians get up to!), I reckoned I'd have to be a lab-rat given the number of times in my life I've been part of an educational experiment from student teachers, first-time lecturers to brand new post grad courses.
  4. I can recite the alphabet backwards as quickly as forwards, but am not good at saying the 14th and 15th letters as a single word...
  5. I am the author of a scientific report that runs to 30 volumes, each about 50mm thick, and of which you can find the mere 9 volume sequel referred to in Google Scholar if you type in PTSE and Gorton (that's my bit of posing) (btw 29 of the 30 volumes are sets of tables of numerical results)
  6. I once won a prize for making an embroidered seahorse!

Ok, so now I have to tag some more people who haven't already been 'got': Julie, Lucy, Angela, Simon, Richard and Tim (that's a nice gender balance, isn't it?!)

Just a bit of fun for a cold, dull afternoon.



  • My Brain hurts thinking of things and peopel but hey ho completed (sort of) but could nto think of 6 peopel so only tagged 5 - i am very sad.

  • Good grief this is hard work!! But it is more fun than housework, I admit.

  • That's another evening spent at the computer. All doine and dusted...

  • In what way is this fun? Children in need is on the telly! It will have to wait, and besides it will take me a week to think of the 6 things...

  • Hey Tim, no pressure to join in if you don't want to - indeed if it is not fun just ignore it totally. Some people despise meme thingies, some people send them endlessly, some of us just find the odd one entertaining.

    Presumably you read this twaddle whilst watching Uncle Terry's antics - which may say something....

  • All done - running out of people to tag in our little community!

  • Well have come up with 6 facts not particularly interesting I'm afraid, but hey its the taking part that counts right?!
    I've only been able to tag 3 people as most people have already been tagged.

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