My conclusion that it took four days to scaffold the church building was wrong - it took ten. Having finally completed the process the people arrived to make holes to let out the bats and block holes to keep out the birds (no, I don't get it either). So, this morning when I looked out of my bedroom window what greeted me was this:

Delightful! The bottom layer of tiles has been taken from the roof and what looks like a gigantic green hairnet cast over the building. Allegedly this will keep the birds out.
Part of the same process is an exercise to 'tidy up the site.' This too has impacted on the view from my window.
For five years I have looked out on this:
As of today I look out on this:
What seems to have happened is that all the birds that sat in the conifer have decamped into the unspecified overgrown shrub at the bottom of my decidedly unkempt garden where they sit and wait from me to offer them food in return for their choral enterprise.
I knew the conifer had to go (it will be under a house at some point in the next year) and logic says it had to be before the breeding season got underway, it was just a bit of a surprise to hear it being lopped yesterday - and I only just the picture done before it vanished.
Btw, finally gave in a bought a digital camera on the premise of recording the unbuilding of the building!
I must admit to having been temporarily mystified as I'd got the photos the wrong way round!
Now that I have them in the right sequence I'm reminded of the story about Euston Station. I understand the new station won a major architectural award. Out of curiosity one journalist asked the architect why he hadn't provided any seats for passengers. "Oh," he said. "Lots of people sitting around just makes the place look untidy!"
Confusing people - hmm, that's something I'm probably quite good at.
I'm led to believe that, like railway stations, churches without people are less messy too...