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A Little Light Relief?!

Yesterday I had a phone call from Ecclesiastical Insurance (the parent company of Baptist Insurance) asking if they could arrange to come and inspect our premises - which they knew were closed.  So I told them they were sold and demolished and that we'd notified the insurers and had a rebate.  'Oh' they said.  This reminded me I needed to contact the insurers to reduce our 'content's cover now that the communion table has been reduced to firewood and the throne rehomed.  'Wow,' the man said, 'that's the second call about this policy in 10 minutes.'  It seems the inspector had been in touch to check up already.  Now whether this means D+1 and D+300 are due for repeat visits in the near future, I don't know... but be warned!

Today I managed to drown my 8 year-old computer mouse in tea.  It has served me well but this mini-tannin-rich-tsunami was one thing too many.  It recovered enough to scroll left and right but up and down, no way, no how.  So a trip to my local independent computer shop and now I have a shiny new optical mouse sitting proudly on a BMS mousemat (the BUGB one is still trying to dry out from its (affusion) baptism in tea).  As to whether the new mouse will serve me as well as its predecessor, who knows?  And I won't tell the insurers or H&S that I have mugs of tea on my computer table... probably contravenes goodness knows how many directives.

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