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Dandelion Time

dandelion clock4.jpgSome months back, a minister friend and I independently found ourselves thinking of dandelion clocks in relation to my little church, and more especially, my role within it nearing its completion.

It is an image/metaphor that has been helpful, as I have pondered God's Ruach blowing gently to disperse the seeds for another season's growth.

In the last couple of weeks I have been decluttering and offering all manner of goodies to other ministers, churches and groups... today I sent off a list to be circulated round EMBA!  I have been quite specific in my guidelines, that items are for use not shoving in a cupboard 'just in case.'  It has a bit of a dandelion clock feel about it... I release these 'seeds' of potential, a pack of shiny card here, a badminton kit there, a games compendium somewhere else... and people I won't ever meet can be touched by love of God in places I will never go or know.  That doesn't make me special or holy or kind, rather it is just the seeds sown in me reaching harvest themselves.  I recall with gratitude those who gave me things, did things for me, taught me skills and above all modelled Christ...

Blow, wind of God

Carry the dandelion seeds of hope.

Near or far,

Let them take root

And grow.

Bringing joy





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