For the last six years I have hardly sent any rubbish to landfill because I was fortunate enough to live in an area with excellent kerbside recycling and only about a mile from the cleanest,shiniest 'tip' I have ever encountered where I could recycle almost anything. With an array of coloured boxes, bins and bags, North West Leicestershire is among the nation's best councils in this respect - just before I left Dibley I noticed a sign at the tip saying recycling was now at 66% and the target was being raised higher.
So, I habitually sort plastic, cans, paper, card and glass (and used to do garden waste too) but now have no bags/bins to put it in. I have just found out where the nearest recycling centre is (and on the web it looks very smart) and do appreciate why in a city such as this the kerbside method has major challenges to overcome, but above all have realised just how much packaging there is when, after two weeks my little kitchen is piled high with plastic, card and metal just waiting for me to recycle it. So just how long to I wait before I drive to the recycling centre so that I don't undo the 'greenness' of collecting this stuff?
We purchsed a plastic drawer unit, labelled tins, card etc so now we can fill each drawer up and then just take them out of the unit, into boot of car and then 'tip' at the tip - works well and we can store lots in there. It sits with the bin