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Selling Indulgences

Last night as we set up for the Spring Fayre (which looks amazing) someone asked me if I was going to run a stall selling indulgences.  After postulating selling blessings at 10p a word (cheaper than the Herald personal ads...) deducing that pigs' blood might contravene 'elf and satey' and that chicken bones were a little too obvious, I will be supplying hand crafted vanilla slices and fresh cream strawberry slices for anyone who craves a little indulgence.  Hurrah for Sainsbugs (other brands are available) pre-rolled puff pastry!

Other delights for those seeking some edible Saturday indulgence include homemade tablet (~fudge), marmalade, chutney, banana bread, cookies and sponges.  Should be a good day.


  • Never mind elf and satey, what about the trade descriptions act? Tablet and fudge are NOT the same thing!!!! If you think they are, you've obivously not tasted real sugar-high melt-in-the-mouth Scottish tablet. There is no substitute.....

  • Sigh. Don't they teach pharmicists what an 'approximately' sign looks like?! Not the same thing, but similar in colour and flavour - and if you'd ever tried my Mum's homemade fudge the similarity extends to trextrue and sugar content. The alternative approximation would be Kendall mint cake without the mint, but that just sounds silly.

    Apologies for offending your Ardrossan sensibilties.

  • No, they didn't teach us about approximate signs in the pharmacy degree course; we'd already learned that at our good Scottish comprehensive, where we also learned how to spell pharmacist!! ;)

    Best tablet I ever remember was made by my great-aunt who lived in Strathaven, so no Ardrossan connection there. Kendal mint-cake is more like fudge than tablet in my view, as great tablet dissolves almost instantly. (It's many years since I've had either of them though; perhaps time to try a randomised controlled trial....) No doubt it was extremely effective at inducing tooth decay as well as impassioned debate!

  • OK, I give in! I think you're just envious that I can have as much tablet as I want and you have to settle for sassenach fudge. For the record I'm not keen on either.

    I will now write out 'pharmacist' one hundred times, cos of course in my Northamptonshire primary, where such words were taught, that was standard punishment for any spelling errors ;-)

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