My challenge for next week... tidy up my MPhil submission so that I can get it formally into the 'system' before entering the 'forest' at the start of February.
Among the reasons for this is a secret desire to be able graduate alongside my bestest minister friend who is submitting her PhD at around the same time to the same university. It'd be quite nice for the NB(L)C Class of 2003 to have the two of us celebrating together methinks.
I have completed one university qualification in each decade of my adult life, assuming my forties would see this reach its conclusion as I was scheduled to complete my doctorate in 2012. Maybe now it's the MPhil in the forties with the possibilty of the PhD in my fifties...?
Is the limiting factor perhaps how many letters can fit on the church noticeboard?!
During my recent eye teat, my optician got me to read arial 6 point. The phrase I had to read said that this typeface was used for very specia(ist) purposes. Perhaps one of those should be the recording of the qualifications of very qualified persons such as yourself?
Test. My glasses work fine but I need new fingers....